Underrated and Overlooked

LEADERSHIP 101 with Kyler Briscoe
2 min readFeb 25, 2019


Do to others as you would like them to do to you.” Luke 6:31 (NLT)

One of the most underrated and overlooked traits necessary for leadership that many lack to possess is ATTENTIVENESS. Attentiveness is to pay close attention; to be alert or observant: an attentive listener; attentive to detail. To show care for the needs or desires of others; caring or courteous. Every woman will tell you that she wants a guy to be attentive to her. The same is true in leadership. A lot of people drift away from leadership and people on the team don’t recognize it. Leaders are guilty of using people for what they can do for the organization. We’re interested in people’s gifts instead of people as a whole and that’s wrong. Get rid of performance based relationships. People want to feel significant not controlled. Make people feel valuable not replaceable. Let your team know that you care and they matter. Take interest in them not only professionally but personally. Pay attention to the people on your team!

Pay Attention To…

  • Mood Swings
  • Attendance
  • Poor Performance
  • Lack of Interest and Motivation
  • Voiced Opinions and Concerns
  • Facial Expressions
  • Social Interactions
  • Change In Normal Personality

Be attentive. Pay attention to the underrated and overlooked. Myles Munroe once said “eyes that look are common, eyes that see are rare.” You need eyes that see. Jesus recognized when satan used Peter to talk Him out of His mission and He recognized Judas was filled with satan to betray Him. He had eyes to see. He didn’t just recognize their potential and placement in His ministry but He could tell when things were wrong. He was attentive. Recognize when teammates are going through things and not themselves. Invest in them personally and not just professionally. You need eyes that see.

What Causes A Change In A Teammate…

  1. Offense or Conflict with Another Team Member
  2. Personal Affairs or Crisis
  3. Fear

When you recognize a negative change in a person on your team consider those factors.

Don’t be so preoccupied and busy that you don’t pay attention to what’s affecting your teammates.

3 R’s To Attentiveness…


Recognize the problem, reach out to them and work on resolving the issue.

If you can’t read the room you can’t lead the room. Pay attention to your people and give them what they need. Don’t ever make anyone feel underrated and overlooked. Everyone needs to feel valuable and significant. Show that you care, show appreciation, invest in them personally, check on them and be attentive. Develop the most underrated and overlooked trait of leadership so you can help the underrated and overlooked.

