What is a Telegram Travel Token?

Béla Balog
1 min readFeb 4, 2018


Telegram Travel Token will be use as the sole payment method for discount vouchers offered by our business affiliates (Telegram Travel and Holiday Tvilla). Telegram Travel Token may also be combined with a credit card payment, or Bitcoin, or one of over over 20 top Altcoins (alternate Cryptocurrencies), to obtain discounts.

Telegram Travel Token (TERT) Road Map:

TERT Road Map (2018):

1.Feb. — 31.Aug. Airdrop ( TERT tokens for public)
1.Feb. — Joining Hotel-Express International — Telegram Travel
15.March. Starting TERT Telegram chat community.
15. March. Starting TERT Slack community.
15. March. Joining Holiday Tvilla
1.sept — Distribution tokens (Waves platform)
Sept-Dec. — Listing on major exchanges

Telegram Travel Token public channel
Hotel-Express-Telegram Travel

For free 10000 TERT tokens fill this form:

Telegram Travel Free acces code: telegramtravel1

