Built with WebRTC: Regroup Therapy, Provider of Integrated Telepsychiatry Services

Blacc Spot Media
2 min readFeb 12, 2018


Lately in our “Built With WebRTC” series, we have been focusing on telehealth companies who have successfully implemented Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC) technology in their solutions. One such company, Regroup Therapy, is forging a new frontier in the psychiatric health services space by providing an integrated telehealth and telepsychiatry solution that is reducing mental health shortages across the nation.

With 55 percent of all U.S. counties having no mental health clinicians, it comes as no surprise that in just 2 short years, Regroup Therapy has experienced tremendous growth. Revenue jumped from less than $500,000 in 2016 to a projected annual recurring revenue of over $10 million in 2017. Regroup Therapy now employs 23 full-time staffers and serves nearly 50 health entities with a network of more than 3,000 clinicians.

As other healthcare companies race to catch up to pioneers in the telehealth industry like Regroup Therapy and Teladoc, it is important to note that these companies’ success is largely in part due to implementing innovative technologies such as WebRTC.

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Blacc Spot Media

Blacc Spot Media is a leading Cloud Communications consulting firm. Our services include results-driven strategic consulting and application development.