Why hire me (The DevOps mindset for front-end devs and dev teams) part 1

kevon cadogan
4 min readMar 2, 2019


Clients often approach me when they need a developer who can provide:

  • Responsive HTML/CSS
  • JavaScript (vanilla, jQuery, and other frameworks)
  • React
  • React Native
  • High-level user experience
  • Best practices
  • Performance
  • Animation
  • Git

The work I provide is of the highest quality, fully responsive, and tested in a wide range of devices. I take great care to ensure each project is well-documented and easily maintainable so you can enhance a website as your company grows.

Often front-end development of a website is overlooked, but being the part of your project that combines design, back-end development and the layer that your users interact with, from my experience, it is the most important to get right.

My clients have found that launching with a well-considered and well-developed front-end has saved them time and money and makes for a product that consistently has high quality.


I have many years of experience as a front-end developer and creating responsive websites of high quality.

In my experience as a freelancer and working for agencies I have also obtained an eye for detail and appreciation for design, knowledge of integrating with and developing server-side, as well as knowing how to effectively project manage and work with clients and colleagues successfully.

Also, I have developed the DevOps mindset to application development that value people as the most important asset in any kind of software development, thus whenever I am working with a team of developers we focus on system thinking, amplifying feedback loops, and a culture of continuous experimentation and learning (The three ways).

I specialize in front-end development but my knowledge of multiple fields allows me to work on a project with the full scope in mind; simplifying the process of our working together and producing a more cohesive experience for your users).

Front-end Developer

I create responsive websites that allow the user to experience your website in the best and most appropriate way suited to the device they are using. By working using progressive enhancement, your website is delivered with a responsive layout that can best make use of the space available on the smallest to largest devices. Cross-browser compatibility is ensured by using feature detection so older browsers still in use today provide a solid experience, whilst modern browsers can go the next step and enhance a user’s time spent on your site. Also making use of progressive web application features for building a website that is engaging via the Push API

“Progressive Web App (PWA) is a term used to denote a new software development methodology. Unlike traditional applications, progressive web apps are a hybrid of regular web pages (or websites) and a mobile application. This new application model attempts to combine features offered by most modern browsers with the benefits of mobile experience.” Wikipedia

Here is why PWA is so important in today’s web industry.

Writing semantic markup that is documented and easy to read means it can be maintained and scaled in the future and allows co-workers to quickly work with it.

Rather than create websites on a page-by-page basis, I instead consider each element of your screen-based designs as separate components that can exist elsewhere on a website; outside of the context of your design compositions; this the core of Atomic Design principles. With these components, I produce a style guide that acts as a document for a reusable and maintainable code base. All involved in a project can rely on a style guide to understand a project’s language and produce a more consistent user experience.

I can quickly and efficiently join your team using continuous-integration with methods and tools such as Git, Jenkins, Agile/Scrum, and test/behavior driven development.


As a Front-end developer, I believe it is important to understand both design and development to achieve a successful user-facing product. I can assist with producing a clean and functional design where required. My overall approach here is atomic design, composing distinct components to create an interface design system. In this way, these components(buttons, cards, inputs, layouts) are built, tested and naturally reusable. This mental model of design naturally enforces the DevOps CALMS. Here is a list of my design tools.

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Figma

To summarise my overall goal with clients or with working with teams is to focus on outcomes instead of outputs, example setting targets to increase revenue, improving Performance, increase customer conversion rates etc rather than just adding the new hot features. These targets set the stage for a conversation about how to optimize our value stream how we increase deployment rate to induce rapid feedback loops, which naturally leads to a learning culture. So as the product grows valuable to users, teams and client (product owners) grow even more valuable.

This is a mindset that a few value and those are the few that excel in the business world today.



kevon cadogan

I am a freelance Front-end developer currently based in Trinidad & Tobago. https://kcportfolio.herokuapp.com/