5 min readMar 27, 2024


Both Blackbox AI and ChatGPT offers IA solutions for developper to improve their productivity. So which solution is better for code?

We’ve compiled a comparison utilizing the prevalent parameters we’ve come across in our development experience, coupled with our extensive service to the developer community over numerous years. From our perspective, these parameters represent the critical requirements, challenges, and pain points that AI code assistants should address.

  • Functionality: Each company has its own features for developers
  • HumanEval (0-shot): Benchmark for Python code completion task (Chen et al., 2021), zero-shot evaluated for pass@1
  • Price: Price point for each user in the organization
  • Supported platform: on which platform can we find each AI


BLACKBOX AI completely redefines your coding experience. A codebase represents hours of thought, testing, and above all, coding. There are challenging moments that require great knowledge and concentration, but also frustrating, boring, and tedious moments during certain repetitive but necessary tasks.

BLACKBOX AI has been designed to meet every stage of your development, so you can code faster, but also to enlighten you, and provide precise answers to your questions, saving you valuable time that you could have lost searching for obsolete solutions on specialized forums.

What is ChatGPT Plus?

ChatGPT Plus is a subscription plan for ChatGPT. It offers availability even when demand is high, faster response speed, and priority access to new features.


Code chat

Both AIs offer a code chat functionality to quickly ask questions. However, Blackbox stands out by offering a more complete code chat experience since it is integrated into the IDE extension.


With IDE integration, BLACKBOX can suggest and autocomplete code for better developer productivity.


They allow you to easily and effortlessly create a detailed readme file for your code, thus facilitating the understanding and guidance of other developers. But BLACKBOX can do it automatically, whereas ChatGPT must have a detailed prompt of all the code to be able to generate it, and the latter must not exceed the limit of allowed characters.

Commit Message Generation

Ensure that there are no undocumented changes in your commits. Both AIs take care of writing detailed commit messages for you, reflecting the achievements made.

Share Link

Both AIs can directly share conversations with anyone with just one click by providing them with a URL link, allowing anyone to access it from anywhere!

Snippet prompt and code

Save your best code snippets and prompts for reuse at any time to save time.

Mobile code chat

BLACKBOX AI offers an Android mobile application that allows you to ask questions and generate code, while ChatGPT offers a mobile version for both iOS and Android.

AI Agent

Both AI systems offer a wide selection of AI agents, each expert in their respective fields! You can start a conversation with or call upon any of them when composing your prompt. ChatGPT features a store for discovering GPTs.

Custom Agent

You can create your own custom agent based on the data you desire, such as files or websites! This agent can also be shared with others if you wish!

Send files

Both AIs allow users to upload files.

  • ChatGPT can read various file formats, including PDFs, CSVs, code files, etc., as well as photos and audio files.
  • BLACKBOX AI can also read code files, photos, and videos!

Side chat

BLACKBOX AI allows you to have multiple conversations in the same place simultaneously.

Instant code preview

You can execute and view the results of generated code directly within the conversation.

Github Action

Let AI code for you! BLACKBOX AI offers GitHub action solutions like commenting on code, improving code, or generating bug reports directly in your GitHub repository, thanks to GitHub integration!

External integration

ChatGPT can interact with external websites to execute tasks!

Real-Time Knowledge

Both AIs have real-time knowledge of the world, enabling them to answer questions about recent events, technological breakthroughs, product releases, and API documentation. An important point is that BLACKBOX AI shows its sources.


Both AIs offer the possibility of accessing their APIs to integrate their LLM directly into your project.

HumanEval (0-shot)

Results of the Python code completion task comparing GPT4 to BLACKBOX AI (Chen et al., 2021), evaluated zero-shot for pass@1. BLACKBOX AI won the completion task with a score of 85.36%, compared to 82% for GPT4.



ChatGPT Plus (GPT4): 20$/user/month

ChatGPT Team (GPT4): 25$/user/month

BLACKBOX AI offers a completely free service with the exception of API usage, which will depend on the number of requests. ChatGPT offers a free plan with limited features (under GPT3.5 LLM, not GPT4).”

Supported platform

Blackbox AI can be found on the following platforms: Vs Code, Jupyter Notebook, Chrome extension, Android app, website

ChatGPT Plus can be found on the following platforms: website, Android app, IOS app

As of march 2024, the information in this comparison table is up-to-date to the best of our knowledge. However, the industry is rapidly evolving, and there may be updates that we have not yet captured. We strive for accuracy and fairness; if you have any updates or corrections, even if it shows a competitor in a more favorable light, we encourage you to share them with us.




BLACKBOX.AI is the #1 Code LLM designed to transform the way we build software.