Understanding the Difference Between Tree Pruning and Lopping Services

Shaun Talent
3 min readJan 2, 2020


Trees, small plants and turf in your garden makes small heaven where you feel relaxed because of the proximity with mother nature. Spending 30–40 minutes in greenery rejuvenates your mind and help in thinking from new and positive perspectives. Trees and plants serve us selflessly, so, it is our responsibility to take care of their health and maintenance. The trees standing in your garden are assorted from different locations. Their requirement for nutrition and climate also vary from each other. Without proper maintenance, they will randomly grow in any direction and sometimes interfere with our assets too. Also, trees suffer from diseases just like a human or any other living being. These all factors signify the need for a professional arborist.

Arborists are experts who attain adequate knowledge about the anatomy of different plants. Unlike a normal gardener, their work criteria are much broader. For instance, arborists take care of trees from plantation to cutting. They know the requirement of nutrition, soil type and water for different breeds of trees or plants. Sometimes, we also need to cut down trees partially for protecting them from various potential threats. We are mentioning two important treatment processes necessary for your trees.

Tree Pruning

Pruning is a process of removing small branches of trees partially wherever needed. Every year, new shoots come out on the trees that turn into branches after a few months. However, the old branches also keep on growing. Consequently, the size of a tree sometimes goes out of the boundaries and starts occupying the space of other plants too. The tree pruning service providers remove these extended branches in order to keep it in shape.

Moreover, pruning is also beneficial for your trees from the perspective of health. Different types of diseases infest on trees from leaves to roots. If a disease has started spreading from its leaves or branches, arborists mark them and remove in order to prevent infection.

The third main reason for tree’s pruning is an improvement in their productivity. If your tree produces flowers or fruits, pruning is necessary every year. Only new branches ensure high -quality flowering and fruit yield.

Tree Lopping

Lopping is also a preventive step to save a tree from killing. It’s better to remove it partially rather than eliminating completely. Sometimes, our trees grow too large that their size and shape become a headache. For instance, a large tree can interfere with your roof, walls or its branches become a threat to the nearby property. The professionals of tree lopping services can give you a solution. They remove the tree crown from a safe height. In normal conditions, crown removal is never recommended. If necessary, lopping service providers cut down half of the tree from a safe height ensuring its survival.

If pruning or lopping fails to save a tree, the last option is complete removal. If you hire a proficient arborist agency, they will consider saving a tree as their primary objective.

