Resistance Committee

Don’t wait for Russian imperialism to come to your door, join the fight now!
Together we will win!

Resistance Committee

Thanks to everyone for the amazing support!
Our platoon has already received the first batch of parcels. Now we are waiting for the equipment, which is hard to buy in Kyiv + we are looking for vehicles for maximum efficiency of battle groups.

The unit continues to form — experienced fighters are already on the combat missions while the rest are actively preparing to give a worthy rebuff to putin’s horde.

We want to see even more like-minded intelligent people in our ranks. Those who will stand shoulder to shoulder with us in the war for the freedom of Ukraine. A green light was given to replenish the platoon with foreigners who have combat experience — we need fighters who can pass on their skills and send as many putinists to hell as possible!

People without special experience are also needed: a training camp will be organized where you can learn the basics + we need to relieve the volunteers a little. They do not sleep at night, supporting all the defenders of the country with their hard work.

Those wishing to become fighters, please fill out the form.

!!! Transportation will be organized within two days !!!

Don’t wait for Russian imperialism to come to you, join the fight now!
Together we will win!



Комітет Спротиву /// Resistance Committee

За нашу та вашу Свободу! Об'єднані антиавторитарні сили України. For your and our Freedom! United anti-autoritarian forces in Ukraine.