Anti-authoritarian forces organized their own international detachment within the framework of the Territorial Defense of Ukraine. In addition, dozens of our friends are defending the capital and large cities with weapons in their hands. Information about why we are at war with Putin’s troops, and what our positions and views are, can be found in this article on CrimethInc. Our channel will cover all of our activities.

Now we are reaching out to comrades from all over the world!

Today, in Ukraine, we have the opportunity to create an International Legion of Territorial Defense. In this network, we call on all willing comrades to independently group in countries around the borders of Ukraine, and get in touch with us to become volunteers in the fight against Russian imperialism and Putin’s aggression. We are waiting for you!

At this stage, our needs are:

- Bulletproof vests of class 4 or higher (x30);

- Ballistic helmets (x30);

- Tourniquets and pouches (x15 + more);

- Military first aid kits and pouches (x30);

- IIFS (Individual Integrated Fighting Systems) (x30);

- Knee pads (x15 pairs);

- Walkie-talkies, headsets and pouches (x30);

- Tactical gloves (x30 pairs).

We ask you for financial and informational support!

Share our social medias

All information on financial transfers

For Freedom — ours and yours!

For Free Ukraine! And Revolutionary Europe!



Комітет Спротиву /// Resistance Committee

За нашу та вашу Свободу! Об'єднані антиавторитарні сили України. For your and our Freedom! United anti-autoritarian forces in Ukraine.