DAOs community creation tutorial

Mar 31, 2022


1.click on https://app.blackholedao.finance/donationpool to enter “Donation Pool” page

2.Click “DAOs Community Investor”

3. Click “Connect Wallet” to connect “Meta Mask” Wallet

4. “Meta Mask” wallet connect is successful

5. Click “Approve” for authorization. After approval, enter the Investment amount “1000” BUSD and click “Investment”.

6. “Pending……” shows trade is sending

7. Click “Edit” to Edit your DAOs community name and avatar, and click “Get Invitation Code” to Get the exclusive Invitation link

8.Click “Copy” to Copy your exclusive invite link and invite others to join

9.Click “DAOs Ranking” to see your DAOs community Ranking, or click “Share” to invite others to join

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