Google Resolves Key Issue with the Latest Android Photo Picker

Black Joseph
2 min readFeb 14, 2024


Google has announced a significant flaw in the new Android photo picker, along with introducing numerous enhancements and features. With the release of Android 13, Google introduced a revamped media picker, allowing users to grant apps access to specific photos and videos rather than their entire photo library. This implementation, inspired by the media picker on iPhones, was later extended to Android devices running version 4.4 or higher. However, a notable limitation of Google’s initial execution was the inability to select media from cloud storage services like Google Photos. This limitation has now been rectified, as the Android photo picker now supports cloud photos.

In an announcement posted on the Android Developers blog, Google revealed that the Android photo picker now integrates with Google Photos. This means that users can not only select images or videos stored locally on their devices but also directly choose media from their Google Photos library, including access to all created albums. Additionally, photos and videos marked as favorites will be conveniently grouped in a separate Favorites album within the file picker.

One notable drawback of Google’s implementation is the absence of a search bar within the photo picker, which means users cannot search for specific people or subjects within their cloud photo library.

Evidence of Google’s efforts to integrate Google Photos into the new Android photo picker was initially observed in late December 2023.

Moreover, Google’s integration efforts extend beyond Google Photos, as the company has opened the API to allow other eligible cloud media apps to participate in the pilot program. However, there are restrictions: only apps nominated by device manufacturers can become cloud media providers, with each manufacturer limited to nominating up to three apps. This may limit choices, particularly for users who rely on lesser-known cloud storage services for backing up their media.

At present, Google Photos appears to be the only compatible cloud media app. Google has stated that the new photo picker will be rolled out to all devices running Android 12 or higher with the February Google Play System update. Once deployed, the operating system will automatically attempt to select the default cloud media app, although users can modify this selection in the photo picker settings.

Also read: The Evolution of the Android Operating System: A Journey of Innovation

Given that Google has only recently resumed the rollout of the January 2024 Play System update, it may take some time for the February update to reach all devices.



Black Joseph

Black Joseph: Android maestro, wordsmith, and tech expert at, decoding Android with a unique storytelling flair.