Anti-Cosmic Satanism: Why Anti-Cosmic Satanism is not Satanism, but Gnostic Fascism.

The Black Light Catechism
9 min readNov 10, 2018


When starting this article, I was intrigued; one of the most well known of the “classic” Gothenburg metal scene was Dissection and I find Ole Öhman an intriguing drummer, though I still say Skinny Richardson is my main inspiration. I was intrigued to find the concept album Reinkaos was almost exclusively inspired by “teachings” of the MLO, but upon further digging it appeared basic descriptions were not doing it justice and the concept sounded more like something I would expect from Bolt Thrower with its heavy borrowing from Warhammer mythology; in fact had I presented this without referencing the MLO most WOULD believe this was very rudimentary summary of Warhammer 40k

The MLO consist of the unified belief in “Chaosophy”. They believe that Chaos is an infinidimensional and pandimensional plane of possibilities, in contrast to cosmos which only has three spatial dimensions and one linear time dimension. They also believe that, in comparison with the linear time of cosmos, chaos can be described as timeless in the way that it is not contained nor limited by one-dimensional time, and formless, because of its ever-changing and infinite number of space dimensions.

The Liber Azerate takes a more Gnostic view of the “Agon” model (creation from struggle, also referred to as Theomachy) presented in Psalm 74, versus the Traditionally held “logos” creation myth (Creation from Divine Word) found in Genesis. The Agon model is often found in the earliest Judeo-Christian scripts, most prominently in the Jahwist, Elohist, and Deuteronomist script sources and documents from the period of the Babylonian exile, hence the borrowing of traditionally Greek and Roman theomachy (battle) creation, in the New Testament the “Agon” creation is referenced in Revelation 21:1. The general story for the Abrahamic Theomachy creation myth found in the Elohim Documents and Revelation is as follows: (1) God as the divine warrior battles the monsters of chaos, who include Sea, Death, Tannin and Leviathan; (2) The world of nature joins in the battle and the chaos-monsters are defeated; (3) God is enthroned on a divine mountain, surrounded by lesser deities; (4) He speaks, and nature brings forth the created world.

The following is roughly a description of the creation as given by the Liber Azerate:

In the beginning, there was nothing but the energy of Chaos. Absu and Tiamat slept, and dreamed their darkest dreams. And all was good until their dark dreams began to spawn the cosmic gods. Tiamat and Absu were disgusted by these abominations. Their wailing disturbed Tiamat’s and Absu’s sleep. Absu and Tiamat agreed that these worthless abominations must be destroyed. Enki, the self-proclaimed leader of the cosmic gods, formulated a most evil plan: he would kill Absu to protect himself. Enki proceeded to trick Absu, which resulted in the death of Absu. Upon hearing what happened to Absu, Tiamat was in a rage.

She prepared for war against these useless gods. She created an army of ferocious demons to battle the worthless gods. The anti-cosmic gods were spawned from the force of Chaos itself to assist in the battle. In the meantime, Enki made love to his whore, and his son Marduk was born. They named the birthplace of Marduk the Temple of Absu, an ultimate blasphemy to Absu himself. Marduk became the leader of the cosmic gods. Kingu, a top-ranking demon of Tiamat, was captured and imprisoned by Marduk and his forces. Marduk, being a power-hungry whore, decided to confront Tiamat.

He sliced her in half, and from one half he created Heaven (his kingdom), and with the other half, he created the Earth. Marduk needed a creation to rule over to satisfy his thirst for power. He decided to create man. But in order top do that, he needed the blood of a god, and none of the cosmic gods were brave enough to sacrifice themselves. They debated about what to do, and finally decided on a plan: they would kill Kingu. Marduk mixed Kingu’s red blood with the red clay, and man was born.

Satan, in this theistic view is the embodiment of the chaos dimension and chaos Gods, while Marduk is the Demiurge and strives to keep people away from Satan and thus away from truth. Satan is still, within this context a source of true knowledge but in this theistic heavy ideology he’s now a creation born and curator of chaos as dimensional form and not chaos as the state of the unknowing world.

Though it is in the tenets of the MLO that we find, a rather thin excuse to create mid-90s Burzum heavy Nazism/de-personalisation and see this for the true creed it is: Neo-Pagan Nazism with a Warhammer 40k DLC:

Mercy is for the weak masses. Show no mercy towards your enemies. May your hatred towards them burn as bright as a thousand suns.

This is semi-par with the LaVeyian commandments: “Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates” and “When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them.” Though with these commandments there is still a hint at compassion, and sticking to your individual self, not to generally attack the weak minded; The MLO seems to have taken the attitude of destroy all.

The strong must use terror to make themselves heard over the waling of the inferior majority.

Make war for the sake of war, for combat separates the sheep from the wolves.

These are chaos to be sure, but not in terms of a “chaos dimension” or any such Warhammer ruminations, this is strictly a call for terrorism.

Know thyself. Self knowledge is the key to perfection.

This is on par with the teachings of LaVey self-reflection is a key aspect of knowledge and finding one’s true individuality.

The weak masses are trapped by morality. The Satanist is beyond such constructs. The Satanist should strive to create a fascist society in which the strong rule over the weak. Communism and Socialism must be fought, as they seek to have everyone wallow in mediocrity.

This where the entire pretext for anything remotely resembling Satanism falls apart, Hell even in the Christian notes has no ruler of Hell; in fact if one aspect of Christianity is Fascist it is God himself. Individualism is in stark contrast to Fascism, and while the proto-Satantic text “Might Is Right” can be considered Fascist leaning nowhere in the Doctrines of LaVey or others is there any hint of blindly obeying.

In order to have chaos, there first must be order.

This is true, just as the opposite is true. Entropy is the closest scientific example of “universal” chaos that exists, and yet recent theories that have passed the first round of tests show that Gravity or Gravity-like forces can be caused by entropy.

The rest needs not even a mention as it reads as though someone combined the works of Lovecraft with Gnosticism and the source book for the Warhammer 40k/Rogue Trader.

The only aspect that is of note for the MLO is Dissection and it’s specific place within a period of Extreme Metal in the early 90s, while it creates for a good story or concept album, it is sad that in the end Jon Nödtveidt would commit suicide to his blind dedication to such an obvious framework for Nazism and bands such as Watain continue on with former Dissection members preaching such obvious 90s Fantasy by way of Turner Diaries fiction. While I am sure much of the “nuances” of the text are lost from the Russian translation and by that I mean as a native Russian speaker it appears as though the original writer wasn’t Russian as the MLO proclaims but likely Norwegian or Eastern Swedish. Though in the end, there’s nothing chaotic or rebellious about Fascism or a unifying one world Government controlled by a Satan that supports the destruction of knowledge and not the fruits of it. There is nothing anarchist or rebellious in murder, and believing these are the embodiments of true chaos and destruction come off as though they were written by someone who took the smearing of Russian anti-monarch Nihilists as the actual positions of such individuals and not caricatures writers likes Dostoevsky. The fact one could say followers of such blatant Fascist ideas and reject the notion of rebellion for knowledge almost reeks of the character Alexei Nilych Kirillov from the novel The Possessed who Dostoevsky wrote as pastiche of Anarchists, with the soul purpose in the novel of “aiding the growth of calamity and every evil, which must at last lead to my suicide to show all will is the chaos and sole being annihilated will bring mankind’s fear of death.” In other words even an artists devotion to Fascism based on such blatantly obvious plagiarised ideas and repurposed imagery can be summed up as the motives behind a pastiche.

Below is the outline for rest of the Cosmology and notation from the Liber Azerate Appendix of Volume 1:

Honor the anti-cosmic gods.

The cosmic gods are worthless abominations that must be destroyed. They disrupted the flow of Chaos and disturbed Tiamat and Absu. The Demiurge (Marduk) created humans to be his slaves. Humans are bound to the shackles of the cosmos for all eternity, damned to a life of servitude. The burning path of Satanism offers freedom for this miserable existence.

The anti-cosmic gods are as follows: Satan, Molock, Beelzebub, Lucifuge, Rofocale, Asmodeus, Astaroth, Belphegor, Adramelech, Baal, Lilith, Naamah, the anti-cosmic gods outnumber the cosmic gods. Satan is the leader of the anti-cosmic gods, and was spawned from the raging chaos itself. The anti-cosmic gods unite to form Azerate, the eleven-headed dragon of Chaos, the one that burns holes in the universe itself so that Chaos may flood through. Azerate and the raging Chaos shall vanquish the useless cosmic gods, and the Ancient Ones (beings that predate time itself) shall tear the Universe into an empty void.

The Ancient Ones The Ancient Ones are primal beings from the first creation. They loathe the cosmic gods. The Ancient Ones wield unrefined power in its original and chaotic state, and they are the beginning and the end. They eternally desire to bring the outside into the inside and cause existential decompression, causing catastrophic results for materialization and form. In other words, bringing forth the original chaos. They will destroy the Demiurge’s worthless creation, and spare those that have their black flame ignited. The Ancient Ones desire to unify with Tiamat, and will end this existence. A new dark aeon will be begin, as all returns to primordial nothingness. Chaos will reign supreme. All that dare oppose the Ancient Ones shall be destroyed. There is no stopping them or controlling them.

The Satanic Creed To be a Satanist, one must swear themselves to the anti-cosmic gods, and to their brothers and sisters. The Satanic creed is as follows: I acknowledge Satan as my king, father, and god. I will swear myself to the anti-cosmic gods. I believe in the truth that is beyond all forms, and I believe the wisdom that shall destroy all lies. I realize that there is a battle between Chaos and order, and I realize my part in the battle. I believe in Chaos, the origin and end of all things, and declare Satan as the outer aspect of my inner might. I look forward to the dissolution of the cosmic order and the beginning of a new dark aeon. I believe in power without end, and will sacrifice all upon the bloodstained altar to the dark gods. I praise the dark gods with my heart and soul, and I await the final battle and the victory that will come. Hail Tiamat! Hail Satan! Hail Chaos!

The Satanic Statements One violent action speaks louder than one thousand words. Do not say, do. Do what you must to get your point across. Only the subhuman majority is limited by morality. Morality is a human construct, and is relative, not universal. Do what thou wilt. Only the inferior submit to social norms and the status quo. Be bold, walk your own path. Satanism is about crossing boundaries and moral limitations. Your enemies do not deserve mercy. Showing them forgiveness will only lead to them taking advantage of you, and eventually destroying you. Kill them before they kill you. Make yourself a terror to your adversary. All of the so-called sins lead to true happiness. Do not be constrained by the human construct that is morality.



The Black Light Catechism

A group of individualist based anarcho-satanists in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts. Following the tenets of Michail Bakunin and Holzmann.