Black Pride is a must in an anti Black world

Resist,Remember and Respect the lineage

4 min readFeb 16, 2023
Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

When I think of the decade that inspires me the most and whose aesthetic just swoons the best of Blackness, I think of the 1970’s. The era of the Afro, the Blaxploitation films, the Black panthers, the soul and disco music and the dominance of an unapologetic Black aesthetic and mindset. I wasn’t yet born but from what I have been able to glean is the dominance of this Black and Proud movement sweeping the country. Black folks weren’t just fighting for equal rights, they were fighting for themselves as humans, as beautiful , as worthy as powerful. I ,so can dig it to the 10th power!!!

Black Pride is revolutionary in a land where Black humans were regarded as less than 3/5 human. They really put this in legislative documents, we were little more than props, things, less than crash dummies. I don’t think we fully appreciate in 2023 how Black people were really seen as. We were products, we were hung up the way you’d see a handbag or imagine like a Home Depot of Humans, you pick one out amongst the masses to use for your labor. Imagine that, we were denied our humanity at every angle in this country intentionally. You’d be a fool to think the vestiges of those mindsets are not alive and well in this country today.




Black. Transwoman. Rebel. Survivor. Student. Lover of Life. Talking mess, fighting stress, accepting the tests