Yeti Fam Prehistory

6 min readJul 6, 2022


A long time ago, when there were no people on earth, our world had been inhabited by Yeti. There were eight races. So, they lived in North America. If you have ever heard that humans descended from monkeys, that is false. The world started itself with Yeti. Soon, you will see how the history of our planet really evolved.


Yeti of Nature (Vito)

They were the kindest of creatures who ate only plant fruits and bugs. Their leader Vito was the strongest, smartest, and fairest Yeti of his time. He ruled for 500 years and had created a great harmony in his tribe. These Yeti had never fought with other races, as they supported peace as well as they were engaged in spiritual growth from generation to generation. They had a very long life, and as the result, their population was the largest one.


Yeti Hunters (Neo)

Yeti Hunters were friends with the Yeti of Nature and often helped them to defend themselves from other races. The reason — “Hunters” were more technologically advanced. The nutrition of these sort of Yeti consisted of meat. What is more, they had many tools to get food and sow the land. The Yeti of Nature had created gunpowder and firearms and used them in hunting and warfare. This race was not as longer-lived as the Yeti of Nature. Their leader Neo had a friendship with Vito. Two races often convened the Council where they had been discussing the business of their races as well as the news of the whole world.


Yeti the Bloodthirsty (Hector)

This is the old Yeti race. They were poorly developed and were engaged in cannibalism. As the result, they hunted other races, mostly the Yeti of Nature. The life duration of “Bloodthirsty” was less than the duration of Yeti of Nature and the Yeti Hunters both, because they led a bad lifestyle and often died in battles among themselves or with other races. One day they decided to kill Neo because he helped Vito a lot in protection his race. Their main murderer and leader Hector sneaked into the Council. But his arrow hit Vito, who saw the danger to his friend Neo and covered him with his chest.


Wild Yeti (Ripley)

The most ancient race of the Yeti. They are the strongest and largest of all the races. “Wilds” do not unite into tribes and prefer living alone. Only for 1–2 years they enter into a relationship with the opposite sex, in order to have enough time to give birth and put a child on its feet. They are so strong and savage that they most often kill everyone they meet on their way. Like the Yeti of Nature, they have a strong connection to nature and intuition. When Vito was killed, the Wild Yeti screamed in the woods all night. Vito was a powerful and ancient Yeti. He had a great connection to the planet. For this reason, the Earth was plunged into mourning and all races felt this loss. And the strongest of the Wild Yeti, Ripley, vowed to find and destroy Vito’s killer. To do this, for the first time in several thousand years, he let out a sharp howl that unites the race in great danger.


Alien Yeti (Solo)

This race came from another planet looking for food. They have some technologies, but “Aliens” got used not to exploit them, because of the case of falling into the wrong hands. The race is convinced that if someone exploited the technology, than everything around would be destroyed. This is the reason why their planet became uninhabitable. They know how to use hypnosis and often tame the Wild Yeti to protect themselves from other races. All they do is keep an eye on the development of other races and try to save the balance on the planet. After Vito’s death, they took a solution to destroy the entire race of Bloodthirsty Yeti. To obtain the implementation, they plan to focus the fury of the Wild Yeti on their target using hypnosis. Their leader Solo has the most powerful hypnosis that can control an entire army of foolish.


Yeti People (Henry)

They are the youngest race that first crossed the Bering Strait into Eurasia. They were the most curious creatures. They evolved all the time and created writings that they passed on to new generations. They learned about the existence of other continents and after Vito’s death, they decided to leave North America because there was great unrest and troubled times were looming in the Yeti world. Their leader and great discoverer was Henry.


Woodland Yeti (Oda)

This is the oldest of the mortal Yeti, and the leader’s name is Oda. There are many legends about him because only a few Yeti have seen him. He knows everything that happens on the planet, but rarely interferes in these matters. He was Vito’s teacher and was very saddened by the loss of his follower. The loss of balance in the Yeti world and the beginning of interracial feuds could lead to terrible consequences. And Oda had a bad feeling about this. So he contacted the king of all Yeti, Gorn.


Sacred Yeti (Gorn, Ara)

In the world of Yeti, there is an eternal King named Gorn. He is immortal, but he may die not his death. He has a doppelganger spirit named Ara, who is in charge of all Yeti souls. Only Oda and Gorn know of his existence. After a long conversation with Oda, Gorn decided to call Ara and talk to the three of them to take some action before current events lead to terrible things.


God of Yeti (Bruce)

The god of Yeti, Bruce, saw the future and understood how Vito’s death would turn out. He never interfered with events. He just visited Oda in his dreams, was Ara’s mentor, and could lift the veil of the mystery of existence. Because he saw a lot more sense in everything and even in bad events he took a philosophical attitude. But something would happen that even he could not foresee. The Earth will change forever when the spirits of the dead Yeti come and bring the god of death, Moland, back to life.


