Why You Should Get Up And Do It Anyway

M.J. Falke
2 min readMay 4, 2017


Sometimes, you just don’t feel it…

Pictured — How I feel right now (Source: Pixabay)

We’ve all had those days — you feel like crap or you didn’t sleep well and you just don’t want to do anything.

You want to plop your butt on the couch and watch daytime soaps, even though you hate daytime soaps. (Note: If you love daytime soaps, that’s totally your call…)

You’re just not feeling it, so you don’t do anything.

The problem with that is that one day of not feeling it turns into a three days, then a week and suddenly you’ve lost all your momentum and getting started again feels like the most monumental task in the world.

Motivation is great, but it’ll only take you so far. Eventually motivation peters out and you might have to get up and kick your own butt to get you moving again.

Get up and do it anyway. Fuck motivation.

It might suck, and you might hate it, or wonder what the fuck you were thinking, but you’ll get it done.

And you know what?

You’ll feel great about it afterward.

Will Smith probably said it best — watch the video.

Just do it.


When you land, you’ll be happy that you did.

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M.J. Falke

Adrift by day, author by night. Lives in Florida with a husband, two kids and a limited supply of patience.