Invitation Code Campaign

2 min readMay 11, 2024


Get invitation code from your friend or community and earn extra Dragon Glass rewards. Unlock your own invitation code and earn your BladePoints.

1. Launch Date: April 29, 2024

2. Invitation Code Rules:

• Players who reach lvl.10 can unlock and generate their own unique invitation code

• Inviters can share invitation codes on their social media channels and invite other players to use their invitation codes

• After binding the inviter’s invitation code, the invitees can finish the in-game tasks during the campaign period and get task rewards (in-game assets)

• At the same time, inviters can receive BladePoints after their invitees finish the tasks. Inviters can receive token airdrops based on the BladePoints in the future

*Invitation codes are only valid for 14 days

*The tasks are updated daily. If a invitee did not complete the tasks on the previous day, the invitee and his inviter can not receive the task rewards for the previous day and tasks will be refreshed automatically the next day

**Inviter and invitee daily tasks and rewards details:

3. Activity Mode:

  • Enter the INVITATION page from homepage
  • Invitees can fill in the inviter’s invitation code and check the Task Status and Rewards in the Received column
  • Inviters can unlock invitation code and check the BladePoints in My Invitation column after reaching lvl.10

