What it’s like being the only horror movie nerd in the friend group ….

(It’s not the most pleasant thing to experience okay )

3 min readJan 22, 2021
Image: stock photos.com

Horror movies are great and you cannot deny that , I mean they get your blood pumping and even adrenaline rushing with minimum effort (if they’re done right ) plus you get a few survival tips if you ever run into a masked physchotic killer in the woods (just a joke!) or if you’re ever caught in a time loop where you have to relive the same day over and over again ( looking at you happy death day ) either way you still get something out of it ,sure not as much as a drama/life lesson movie but hey something is better than nothing right ?

Anyways , horror movies have always been familiar to me and they always make me feel nostalgic , they have been a part of my early childhood days and still are .Now , it’s normal to want to talk about the things you hold dearly to your heart with your closest friends but what if these closest friends don’t have that same interests? Well , take it from me as someone who litreally has and is experiencing this at the moment (hence me venting my frustrations here ) it’s not fun ! now,I’m not saying that all my friends should be well versed with every horror trope and movie but I expect them to have a decent knowledge about it , atleast I know I try my best in researching stuff they tell me about . Earlier I mentioned how horror movies were and still are and integral part of my childhood and for that I have my parents to thank for, they are litreally one of the main reasons why I love horror and gore so much ! Now maybe not the best parenting from my parents side for letting me watch Texas chainsaw massacre at just age 8 or maybe even younger but hey look at where I am now – a horror movie nerd who is not afraid of gore and blood and can handle just about anything at just 16 ! (That’s an accomplishment right?) you can say my journey started early and I don’t think I would have it any other way . Plus having watched horror/thrilled movies at a young age made me really cautious about who I can trust and who I cannot so there’s another reason to love horror I guess .

Circling back to my friends , They sadly still show no interest in horror whatsoever .However Over the years I am lucky to have found several social media pages and YouTube channels that share the same love for horror like I do and they really do make up for the lack of horror-oriented friends I have and I am grateful for that . My love for horror movies and just dark spooky movies in general will probably last for a life time and I’m hoping that along the way I will be able to find more people who share this same love . Horror movies are great ! If you haven’t seen any or haven’t gotten around to them yet , I. highly suggest you do. A tip though is that you should probably ease your way into horror movies by watching not so scary and not so gory horror movies first and then when you feel like you’re ready get to watching the hardcore horror movies .




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