Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater — A Detailed Analysis of the UE5 Remake vs. Original

Blair Moore
9 min readJun 23, 2024


Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, showcased at this year’s Xbox game event, has stirred excitement among fans and industry experts alike. This highly anticipated remake of the classic Metal Gear Solid 3, now reimagined using Unreal Engine 5 (UE5), promises a stunning overhaul of visuals, controls, and gameplay mechanics while striving to remain faithful to the original game. In this blog post, we will delve deep into various aspects of this remake, comparing it to the original, discussing the improvements and changes, and evaluating its potential impact on both longtime fans and new players.

Introduction to Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater

Introduction to Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater

A Brief History of Metal Gear Solid 3

Before diving into the remake, it’s essential to understand the legacy of the original game. Released in 2004 for the PlayStation 2, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is set during the Cold War and follows Naked Snake (who would later become Big Boss) on a mission to rescue a Russian scientist and sabotage a nuclear weapon. Known for its intricate storyline, innovative gameplay mechanics, and cinematic presentation, MGS3 became an instant classic and a beloved entry in the Metal Gear series.

The Transition to Unreal Engine 5

The announcement of Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater being developed on UE5 generated considerable buzz. UE5 is known for its powerful graphics capabilities, including features like Nanite, Lumen, and advanced character rendering. The decision to use this engine suggests a commitment to pushing the visual and technical boundaries of the game, potentially delivering a breathtaking experience that honors the original while appealing to modern audiences.

Visual Overhaul: From PS2 to UE5

Visual Overhaul: From PS2 to UE5

The Transformation of Character Models

One of the most significant changes in the remake is the transformation of character models. In the original game, character models were impressive for their time but limited by the hardware capabilities of the PS2. Textures were lower resolution, and facial details were less refined. In the HD Collection released for PS3 and Xbox 360, these models were polished, but the fundamental limitations remained.

In the UE5 remake, characters like Naked Snake, The Boss, and other key figures have been completely redesigned. Snake’s model now features highly detailed facial textures, individual strands of hair, and more lifelike animations. The Boss’s model showcases intricate skin textures, realistic shadows, and enhanced expressions. This leap in detail helps to create a more immersive and emotionally engaging experience.

Environmental Enhancements

The jungle setting of MGS3 was a groundbreaking feature at the time of its release. The dense foliage, dynamic weather, and varied terrains added a layer of realism and challenge to the gameplay. However, the original graphics, while impressive, were constrained by the technology of the era.

In the remake, the environments are being rebuilt from the ground up. Using UE5’s Nanite technology, the jungle is rendered with an astonishing level of detail. Trees, plants, and ground textures are more realistic, and the dynamic lighting creates a more immersive atmosphere. The improvements in cloud rendering, reflections, and ambient occlusion contribute to a more vibrant and lifelike world.

Lighting and Shadows

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating the atmosphere and mood of a game. The original MGS3 utilized pre-baked lighting and shadow maps, which, while effective, lacked the dynamic quality of modern techniques. UE5’s Lumen technology introduces real-time global illumination and dynamic shadows, which significantly enhance the visual fidelity of the game.

In the remake, scenes like Snake’s HALO jump and the encounters in the jungle are bathed in more realistic and nuanced lighting. Shadows are more accurate and move naturally with the characters and objects, creating a more cohesive and believable environment. This upgrade not only enhances the visual appeal but also adds to the immersive experience.

Faithfulness to the Original: Honoring Hideo Kojima’s Vision

Recreating Iconic Scenes

One of the key aspects of the remake is its commitment to faithfully recreating iconic scenes from the original game. Hideo Kojima’s direction in MGS3 was highly cinematic, with carefully composed shots and deliberate camera movements. The remake mirrors these elements with impressive accuracy, ensuring that fans of the original will recognize and appreciate these moments.

Legacy Mode and Control Schemes

A significant concern for many fans is whether the remake will preserve the gameplay mechanics and feel of the original. MGS3 introduced several innovative mechanics, such as the camouflage system, stamina management, and close-quarters combat (CQC). The remake aims to modernize the controls and camera system, likely drawing inspiration from MGS5’s more fluid and responsive mechanics.

However, for purists who prefer the original control scheme, the remake includes a legacy mode. This mode retains the traditional top-down camera view and control setup, allowing players to experience the game as it was originally intended. This dual approach caters to both new players and longtime fans, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the game in their preferred style.

Audio and Voice Acting

Another aspect of faithfulness to the original is the reuse of the original voice work. The performances of David Hayter as Snake and the rest of the cast are integral to the game’s identity. By preserving these iconic voice lines, the remake maintains the authenticity and emotional resonance of the original.

Technical Innovations: Pushing the Boundaries with UE5

The audio design in the remake is also being enhanced to match the improved visuals. Environmental sounds, ambient noise, and the musical score are all being reworked to create a more immersive and dynamic soundscape. This attention to detail ensures that the auditory experience is as rich and engaging as the visual one.

Technical Innovations: Pushing the Boundaries with UE5

Nanite and Lumen: Revolutionizing Graphics

Unreal Engine 5 introduces several groundbreaking technologies that have the potential to revolutionize game development. Nanite allows for the creation of highly detailed environments with virtually unlimited geometric detail, while Lumen provides dynamic global illumination that enhances the realism of lighting and shadows.

In the context of MGS Delta, these technologies enable the creation of a visually stunning and immersive world. The jungle, with its dense foliage and varied terrain, benefits immensely from Nanite’s ability to handle complex geometry. Lumen ensures that the lighting is dynamic and responsive, creating a more realistic and atmospheric environment.

Character Rendering and Animation

The advancements in character rendering and animation are also noteworthy. UE5’s character tools allow for more detailed and expressive character models, with realistic skin textures, hair, and clothing. The animation system enables more fluid and natural movements, enhancing the believability of the characters.

In the remake, characters like Naked Snake are rendered with incredible detail. The stubble on his face, the wrinkles on his forehead, and the texture of his gear are all meticulously crafted. The animation system ensures that his movements are smooth and lifelike, whether he’s sneaking through the jungle or engaging in combat.

Procedural and Dynamic Elements

One of the intriguing features mentioned is the procedural buildup of scars and wounds on Snake’s body. This dynamic element adds a layer of realism and continuity to the gameplay, reflecting the hardships and battles Snake endures throughout his mission. It’s a small but significant detail that enhances the immersion and emotional connection to the character.

Additionally, the presence of dynamic elements like improved reflections, volumetric fog, and weather effects contribute to a more immersive and engaging experience. These enhancements make the world feel more alive and reactive, deepening the player’s immersion in the game’s setting.

Gameplay Mechanics: Modernization and Preservation

Evolving Controls and Camera System

One of the key challenges in remaking a classic game is balancing the modernization of gameplay mechanics with the preservation of what made the original special. MGS3 introduced several innovative mechanics that were groundbreaking at the time but may feel dated to modern players.

The remake aims to address this by adopting a more modern control scheme and camera system, similar to MGS5. This includes more fluid movement, refined aiming and shooting mechanics, and a more responsive camera. These changes are designed to make the gameplay experience more intuitive and accessible to new players while still retaining the core mechanics that define MGS3.

Stealth and Combat Mechanics

Stealth is a fundamental aspect of MGS3, and the remake is committed to preserving this core element. The camouflage system, which allows players to blend into their surroundings, is being retained and enhanced with more detailed textures and dynamic lighting. The ability to move while prone, as seen in the trailer, adds a new layer of strategy and flexibility to the stealth gameplay.

Combat mechanics, including CQC, are also being refined. The animations and controls are more fluid and responsive, allowing for more dynamic and satisfying combat encounters. The integration of modern mechanics ensures that the gameplay feels fresh and engaging while staying true to the original design.

Level Design and Exploration

The level design of MGS3 is characterized by its segmented areas, each with unique challenges and opportunities for exploration. The remake retains the overall layout of these areas, ensuring that the core gameplay experience remains intact. However, the transition between areas, traditionally marked by fade-to-black loading screens, may be more seamless in the remake, thanks to the capabilities of modern hardware.

Exploration is a key part of the MGS3 experience, and the remake enhances this aspect with more detailed environments and dynamic elements. The improved visuals and lighting make exploration more rewarding, as players can discover hidden details and appreciate the intricate design of the world.

Community Expectations and Reception

Balancing Nostalgia and Innovation

One of the biggest challenges for any remake is balancing nostalgia with innovation. Fans of the original have fond memories and high expectations, while new players may be looking for a modern and accessible experience. The developers of MGS Delta are acutely aware of this and are striving to strike the right balance.

The inclusion of a legacy mode is a smart move, as it allows purists to enjoy the game with the original control scheme and camera view. At the same time

, the modernization of controls and visuals caters to new players and ensures that the game feels current and relevant. This dual approach aims to satisfy both camps and create a unified and enjoyable experience for all players.

Addressing Fan Concerns

The announcement of the remake has naturally led to discussions and concerns among the fan community. Some fans are worried about potential changes to the storyline or character portrayals, while others are concerned about the preservation of the game’s unique atmosphere and tone.

The developers have been transparent about their commitment to staying true to the original. By preserving the original voice work and iconic scenes, they are signaling their respect for Hideo Kojima’s vision. The enhancements in visuals and gameplay are intended to complement and enhance the original experience, rather than detract from it.

Anticipation and Hopes

The anticipation for MGS Delta is palpable, and fans have high hopes for the remake. Many are excited about the potential of UE5 to deliver a visually stunning and immersive experience. The promise of enhanced gameplay mechanics, dynamic environments, and improved character models has generated considerable excitement.

At the same time, there is hope that the remake will capture the essence of what made MGS3 special. The intricate storyline, compelling characters, and innovative gameplay are all aspects that fans are eager to see preserved and enhanced. The balance between modern technology and classic gameplay is crucial to the success of the remake.

Conclusion: The Future of Metal Gear Solid Delta

Potential Impact on the Franchise

The success of Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater could have significant implications for the future of the Metal Gear franchise. If the remake is well-received, it could pave the way for remakes of other classic entries in the series, such as the original Metal Gear Solid and MGS2. It could also reignite interest in the franchise and potentially lead to new entries or spin-offs.

Final Thoughts

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater represents a bold and ambitious project, aiming to honor a beloved classic while leveraging the power of modern technology. The transition to Unreal Engine 5 promises a stunning visual and technical overhaul, while the commitment to preserving the original’s core elements ensures that longtime fans will find much to appreciate.

As the release date approaches, the excitement and anticipation will only continue to build. Whether you’re a veteran of the series or a newcomer eager to experience one of gaming’s most iconic stories, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is poised to deliver a memorable and captivating experience. Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we await the arrival of this highly anticipated remake.

