1 min readApr 19, 2023


Talking about sexual suggestions,, to me I may say is of two types married or unmarried. I want to marry you. Or. I love you. Sex SUGGESTIONS,, can be signals from the man or lady. This we call it causal sex. Who now benefits from this physical excised. Or lost. The man or the lady ?? Sex SUGGESTIONS is simply approach a lady one on one tell her you need her. Her response to you is okay take me out. You take her out in cool corner hotel or bars that has chalets. She might tell you how much you will give to or non. But never the you must settle after having sexual intercourse. You loose your strength, your energy, your money. But these are not the end , You be the type that doesn’t like to use condoms. And you dash out your sperm in side. Now seeds have being sow into that lady embryo which may or may not come to existent. I’m

trying to figure out that some body have gone out of you. And these are seeds GOD created in you that supposed to existent after you. So making causal sex SUGGESTIONS, is not good,, In doing this you should lost your first army GOD have deposited in you..