How Simplifying a Splash Screen Increased Sign Ups by 23%

Blake Manzo
2 min readApr 20, 2020

In my last article, I talked about how Tellus recently expanded into broader industries with our high yield cash account and real estate investments:

The Old

Previously, we had an onboarding flow that starts with our splash screen and ends with a “getting started” screen.

68.6% of customers did not make it passed the splash screen

As part of this expansion, recently the number of customers making it passed the splash screen has dropped to 68.6%. As the splash screen was originally tailored more towards our property management side, I needed to make changes to suit the broader range of customers coming in!

The New

To address this, I removed all of the content from the screen, particularly the tagline. As you can’t arrive at the splash screen without seeing a more specific message (whether it’s from an ad, or website landing page), you already know what you have downloaded the app for and we don’t need to keep any content on this screen.

Removing the image, tagline and description from the splash screen


This small change increased customers making it passed the splash screen from 68.6% to 92.4%. That’s an increase in sign ups by over 23%!

To analyze the “true” sign up rate, we need to take a look at the getting started screen as well to see if the new screen impacted the rest of the flow.

People making it through the end of the onboarding and choosing a role did drop by 6%, so we end up with an 18% increase in “true” sign ups!

