The Truth Behind Being Successful at All You Accomplish

It Takes Less Discipline Than You Think

Blake Powell
3 min readOct 10, 2017
Photo by via Unsplash

We tend to blow up what it will take for us to live fulfilling and successful lives where we consistently accomplish the biggest goals we’ve ever imagined.

The truth is, you only have to do one thing today to be successful.

And then another, and another, and another after that.

That’s all it takes to successfully accomplish your goals.

Take one small step today. Then tomorrow, take another. After that, take another one.

One small step towards your freedom is all it ever takes.

Why Discipline Is a Lie

Even if somebody tells you they are extremely disciplined all the time, they’re probably lying to you.

Nobody has the superhuman discipline to focus on their work 100% of the time. As humans, we’re biologically wired to notice things around us, especially if they’re enticing and exciting. In the age of social media and an abundance of information, it’s much too easy to get swept up in the current of what’s happening around you and forget to focus on your goals and your dreams first.

Even productivity ‘gurus’ slip up from time to time. Even life coaches like Tony Robbins have bad days. You are not inhuman — none of us are. And you are not robotic in your motions, because we’re all open to the same distractions and traps in the end.

Being human means being imperfect. If you do not give yourself the permission to slip up and fail, you’ll never gain the consistent momentum you need to unlock the dreams you want to achieve.

Scheduling your days and prioritizing will only get you so far. When you write your schedule, the key is to fill in all your procrastination time and distractions beforehand. By giving yourself permission to slip up, it’ll be much easier to excuse yourself with a break when you do.

And when you have to get to work, it’ll be easier to fit in those little 15 minute pockets of time to pursue the work you’re meant to do.

Give Yourself Permission to be Human

If you have big goals and big dreams, the best way to reach them is to take one step at a time. When you keep moving forward in the simplest way possible, you will see results in your life.

Nothing great was built in one day. The biggest towers were built frame by frame, level by level; the biggest buildings were built brick by brick, and the biggest dreams were built in small increments every single day until the creators of these dreams could actualize their vision into the world and make it a reality.

One step is all it takes to make your dreams into a reality. And then another. And another after that.

If you want to make something happen, then keep walking. And don’t stop walking for too long, lest you lose your motivation for something else.

Taking one step at a time is crucial to keeping that momentum. If you do that consistently every day, you’ll reach your dreams eventually. If you’re taking action all the time, it only becomes a matter of time until what you’re working on becomes reality.

So take one step today. Just one tiny little step, and then another tomorrow and the day after that. They only have to be small steps — baby steps towards the greater reality you constantly dream of.

Go ahead. Start walking.

And don’t stop too long for anything else, lest you lose sight of your goal along the way.

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Blake is an author, dreamer, and coffee lover based in Vancouver, Canada. He helps writers step into their potential and create their dream lives. If you’re looking for an extra push with your writing, you can download a FREE copy of “The Bulletproof Writer’s Handbook” to conquer the blank page today.



Blake Powell

I’m a writer, dreamer, and lover of ☕ as well as a future Financial Planner. Get tips on writing by downloading my FREE book ->