Evolution of Digital Marketing

Blake Johnston
12 min readJul 12, 2018


Apple and the Marketing Mix


Apple’s extensive range of products have the potential to enhance many aspects of our daily lives through easy to use and effective information and communications technology.

Apple products are aesthetically beautiful both in their physical make up as well as the graphics used in their operating system and user interface. Clear branding is implemented throughout these designs, this is enhanced by using Apples own bespoke operating system as apposed to Microsoft Windows.

Apple’s product range includes iPhone, iMac, MacBook, iPod, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, App Store, iTunes and HomePod, as well as a wide range of accessories. These products are regularly updated, fuelling demand and interest from their customers and increasing revenue.

Image 1 — Apple product range including iMac, MacBook, Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, and iPod. Clearly demonstrating the diverse range of products designed by Apple to enhance our daily lives. (bizfriend.ly) (2016)

Image 2 — The evolution of the iPhone from it’s first launch to the current design, reflecting Apple’s approach to constantly re-evaluating the design of it’s products based on changing consumer trends. — (iphonelife.com) (2017)

Image 4 — Apple iMac in it’s original design from 1998 and also in both 21.5 and 27 inch formats of the iMac design from 2016. (YouTube) (2016)

Apple Watch, iPhone and HomePod clearly demonstrating Apple’s ability to change with the times and meet the needs of consumers allowing seamless integration between products on your wrist, in your pocket and at home.(Apple UK) (2018)


Apple products are comparatively expensive compared to their competitors. This enhances the image of the products in the eyes of consumers aspiring to a perceived level of luxury and quality.

This high level of expenditure on an Apple product is backed up by the high level of design and build quality that consumers have come to expect and demand from Apple and leads to an acceptance of this high pricing strategy.

Apple products increase in price year on year alongside design ‘facelifts’, increased performance and new features, which again helps the customer to accept these price rises with a view to getting more for their money.

Most Apple products are available with different storage and size options amongst other variations, as well as Pro models for the iPad and MacBook. These variations all come with higher prices — leading the consumer to the perception of a better product, even when that level of upgrade would not necessarily enhance there experience of the overall product.

Apple also maintains high prices for accessories, especially when certain peripherals e.g chargers, usb cables etc, are tailored to perform better with their products than a third party accessory would. This is backed up by the integrated design of Apple’s accessories, justifying higher prices than third party items, which might spoil the aesthetics of the product in question.

Image 5 — The top three phones according to price on the Carphone Warehouse website, reflecting the comparative high pricing of Apple products. (Carphone Warehouse) (2018)

The iPad Pro from the Apple website, an example of how Apple use a ‘carrot and stick’ approach to leading customers to pay more for what they perceive to be more for their money. (Apple UK) (2018)

Apple Power Adaptor — Just one of 3 parts needed to power your MacBook — an example of how Apple lead consumers you pay high prices for accessories which match the design quality and image of their products. (Apple UK) (2018)

This image shows how the price of Apple’s iPhone had changed over the years. (mybroadband.co.za) (September 2017)

This image helps to show how Apple use strap and frame variations to encourage creativity in personalisation, with varying prices to achieve the desired look. (Apple UK) (2018)


Apple’s online sales platform is the core of it’s business, allowing them to be relatively exclusive when it comes to the number of physical ‘bricks and mortar’ shops they have, as well as where they choose to locate them.

Apple choose to locate their Flagship stores in desirable locations within the world’s most prominent cities.

Apple stores are very high in design, with an interactive atmosphere, and a less is more approach to shop fittings and visible stock. There is always a sense of space and light, enhancing the experience of customers.

Apple have adopted the use of Trees in their stores to reflect their attitude to environmental responsibility, as well as to break down the borders between outside and inside, leading to a feeling of being connected with the outside world.

Apple stores have revolutionised the shopping experience by adopting a ‘bricks and clicks’ approach, allowing customers to choose an item and pay for it anywhere in store without the need to find a member of staff.

This image of the Apple Store on London’s Regent Street clearly shows the minimalist design, and the interactive nature of the store featuring the Studio, where customers can get advice from in-store experts. (Forbes) (January, 2017)

In this Image the less is more approach to products and visible stock is evident, with one of each product and variants laid out on simple wooden tables, easily accessed by customers. (Forbes) (January, 2017)

An example of the sense of space and light created by this prominently located Apple Store in the Heart of Brussels. (Apple UK) (2018)

Apples Singapore store, featuring trees cascading out onto Orchard Road, creating a real sense of connection with the a city awarded for it’s green approach, and connecting the brand with environmentally conscious consumers. (Dezeen) (2018)

Here we can see how Apple interacts with and inspires it’s customers and potential customers, turning their stores into a destination venue rather than just a shop. (Apple UK) (2018)


Apple uses a variety of channels through which to promote its products to customers and potential customers. These include TV, Print, Social Media, Inbound marketing, product placement at events and with online influencers and interaction with schools universities and businesses through pricing promotions. Bloggers, positive reviews and much more.

Apple relies hugely on its reputation through online reviews, celebrity endorsements and customer feedback in open channels such as YouTube and Facebook.

Apple has created a lifestyle through its products and with the help of regular endorsements from celebrities and online influencers, this lifestyle has grown in strength over the years, and virally spreads through numerous channels.

When Apple does choose to use TV advertising or printed media such as billboards, their promotions are simple, effective, brand consistent and usually target one specific product, idea, emotion or trend, demonstrating the technology in action through the eyes of the user.

Apple adverts and promotions pay great attention to including people from all demographics and from all corners of the world, cementing their image as a truly global communication brand.

This video is an example of how Apple tap into the experience of the consumer as an example of how the product makes you feel. With imagery representing all demographics, from all over the world, in settings and scenarios which evoke a sense of emotion. (Apple / TechVideo / YouTube ) (2013)

Here we can see how Apple interacts with schools, universities and other institutions to access large areas of the market through brand association and enticing pricing / deals. Here they are engaging with a younger audience through association with music, using terminology relevant to the demographic. (MacRumours) (2017)

Photo Walks: Capturing Action and Video

An example of how Apple interacts with its customers to promote a better understanding of it’s products, through educational and informative sessions

In Apple Stores. (Apple UK) (2018)

Here is an example of how online influencers such as Sebastien Page help to place Apple products in front of customers through Social Media channels. (Instagram) (@sebastienpage) (2018)

This giant billboard shows how printed media is still a powerful tool used by Apple to associate their brand with hugely influential Artists and musicians, sending a very clear message about the brand’s musical heritage since the launch of the iPod.

The image of The Beatles, with the simple mention of iTunes above the brand logo automatically promotes the entire range of apple products. This particular promotion would still as relevant today as it was in 2010.

(dailybillboardblog.com) (December 2010)


The quality of Apple’s products from a design and manufacturing point of view is evident to the touch when you first hold an Apple device. This immediately resonates with the consumer endorsing the quality of the brand, and reaffirming the customers decision to choose an Apple product. Apple products have a clear design image with runs throughout their product range including accessories and peripherals. This quality of design and build is evident through their Apple Stores were interior design and architecture seamlessly blend together to mirror the high attention to detail in their products.

Apple chooses beautiful locations and building for it’s stores, often using buildings with historic architectural features, choosing to respect these elements through the simplicity of the shop fitting, and juxtaposing old with new through simple lighting. This highlights both the products and the architecture creating an image of quality, luxury and respect.

Apples website, operating system, user interface, branding and promotions all use very high quality artwork, both in concept and execution, promoting a very high end luxury feel and justifying the high price tags to the consumer. The website is easy to use, leading the customer to the information and to the point of sale.

Apple’s attention to detail in it’s packaging is second to none, leading the way and changing how companies the world over present their products in store, or on delivery to the customer. This involves the use of quality materials, intelligent and intuitive design, and ensuring that the unboxing process for the customer is seamless, easy, and exciting.

The high design and build quality of the MacBook Pro, featuring a matt finish, aluminium Unibody enclosure feels luxurious to touch and enhances the user experience. (Apple UK) (2018)

In this video we see the end user experience when unboxing Apple’s iPhone 10 and how the quality of the packaging enhances the pleasure for the consumer. Also another example of online influencers in the market. (YouTube / Marques Brownlee) (Ocrtober 2017)

Apple’s Flagship Fifth Avenue store in New York. Using top quality ultra modern materials, the store seamlessly blends into its surroundings. The prominent logo entices you closer until you see the steps leading you down into the store. (Neowin) (April 2017)

The Apple TV remote seamlessly mirrors the design style and quality of the MacBook Pro and iMac, tying together the design story. (Apple UK) (2018)


The process is an important part of the customer experience and one which starts with either the website, App or the Apple Store as well as third party vendors.

The website is easy to use, incorporating superb imagery throughout the process, building an expectation and assurance of quality and satisfaction. Navigation through the information, which is concise and well presented, builds the excitement towards the possibility of owning the product, and reaching the point of sale is effortless and smooth.

Transactions in-store are done through the use of familiar Apple products, thus cementing the relationship between the customer and the product range and reassuring the buyer that the technology is effective. Each store is beautifully designed, light and spacious and creates a relaxed atmosphere, enhancing the consumers experience.

After sales communication is efficient and concise. There is also tech support available through the website with a range of contact options including email, phone and instant chat.

The arrival of the product is quick and efficient and further reassures the customer due to quality of the packaging and ease at which the product is unboxed and ready to use.

With the launch of Apple Pay, the process of shopping online and in-store is not just restricted to Apple stores as their app can be used in a growing number of places.

Apple’s website, with the flagship product in pride of place has an easy to navigate menu with clearly defined product categories, search option and shopping cart. (Apple UK) (2018)

Apple Pay, bringing the apple experience to third party stores both online and on the high street, as well as being used by staff in Apple Stores. (CNET) (October 2016)

The Support page on the Apple website, further enhancing the process of purchasing a product. (Apple UK) 2018


People are at the core of any business and Apple ensures that its staff are helpful, informative, polite and clearly presented and identifiable in store.

In-store Apple staff wear a company uniform with clear branding, reassuring you through a positive corporate image.

Apple associate themselves with people online and in their promotions who they feel represent the brand and the inclusive nature of the company image — this shows a clear understanding of their target demographics.

Steve Jobs was very much a public figure at the head of the company and helped to promote new products in annual seminars which were spread virally throughout the internet.

Staff are contactable via the website and are extremely helpful when providing support, advice and information.

The extensive online community of bloggers, consumers and influencers on Social Media, in forums and chatrooms, is evidence that people are at the very heart of this brand whether employed by the company or not. This puts communication at the very centre of the Apple brand.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs was a leading figure in the tech world and a visible force across the internet with a view to the promotion of the Apple brand and its products. (biography.com / A&E Televisions Network) (July 2018)

Staff at the Denver Store interacting with customers and clearly identifiable in their branded uniform. (Denver Post) (November 2017)

Staff at an Apple Genius Bar advising customers on products. (Time) (August 2015)

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