Finding Purpose and Meaning in a Fast-Paced World

Jonathan Light
4 min readJun 5, 2024
Photo by Rob Curran on Unsplash

We all have days where we’re not feeling like ourselves. Sometimes we encounter a bit of a pickle and feel lost, like that single thread drifting on the tide. I’m 24 years of age, yet still looking for the thing that makes me tick. Everyday feels like a race against time. ‘Finding yourself’ is all the rage. Those within their teenage years are warned to stay on the straight and narrow path, to avoid the pitfalls, and take little risks. That might work for some but for someone like me, taking risks is worth a lot.

We don’t know where to go and we tend to get a little caught up in our own head. Many of us are struggling to reconcile the powerful messages about success, achievement and fulfillment that bombard us each day or every other day, as we flail for our place in the world.

Focus on what really matters

People urge me to ‘keep up to date’ with the trends, technologies and careers of the world. These are the forces that hurtle us onwards; they are the obligations that compel us to chase joy in every second. These are the pressures that ordain our way of living because they carry with them the threat of regret in reliance on any other wind. Sometimes we should embrace the hard times as it molds boys into men, which in return create good times.

My ability to balance a chaotic life is often challenged, especially by the day-to-day demands of a career, a social life, family obligations and my own goals — though I have to figure out a way to respond to them carefully, or, at least, try to do so. Finding time for myself, setting boundaries, giving myself a bit of time for meditation, exercise — or simply being unplugged from the very computer on which I’m writing — helps me create the space I need to deal with the chaos.

Furthermore, I choose to live intentionally by making every decision reflective of my values and purpose. I refuse to work myself to the bone in the so-called grind and hustle to make something out of my life. Instead, I choose to live intentionally and with purpose. I want to be my best self whether it be a content creator, businessman, or whatever I choose to be. I want to produce things. I want to influence others by the products I churn out that helps and solves problems. I will engage with communities and leave an impact that signifies my existence. As long as I have something purposeful to wake up to do for the rest of my life, I am okay. I have learned to think critically about the type of person I hope to be in the next hour, next day, and next year.

Technology and social media distracts us

The digital age is in full effect and bombarded with clipped scenes of perfection on social media feeds. The churn of likes and followers seems meaningless, a diversion from the existential crisis. Constantly seeing someone posting with all smiles which may or may not be fake.

Technology has changed the landscape of society forever. So much so to the point where (for better or worse) we can’t live without it. I admit that I rely on technology more than i would like to. I would catch myself watching Youtube longer than I planned or doom scrolling on social media. My phone is used for entertainment, learning, or even just to have as background noise when I’m doing a task. The fact of the matter is that we allow ourselves to be easily distracted if we aren’t careful.

I’m not saying that we should completely eliminate it from our lives. Tech and social media if used right is beneficial, and life-changing even. It allows us to conveniently do things that aren’t possible without it. The key here is balance ( a topic I would like to explore more of) and focus on living in the moment.

Final words

To sum it all up, while life in a swiftly-moving modern world can be tricky, it is also full of potential for expansion, evolution, development and discovery of self. When we live balanced lives, live intentionally, and stick to the principles that make us uniquely ‘us’, we can ride the overwhelming and chaotic waves of life on this modern planet, enjoy it, thrive on it and promote love and light unto to ourselves and to the lives of others.



Jonathan Light

Beginner writer that is excited to start on a platform like medium. I started writing as a way for me to express my thoughts in a healthy way