The Power of Flight: Astral Projection

Daisy May
5 min readSep 18, 2023


What is astral projection? describes it as, “Our consciousness can move out of our body and travel the astral plane as a non-physical entity.”

It also mentions, “Apparently falling asleep is almost similar to dying as we are believed to travel to another dimension altogether by leaving our physical body and the third dimension. This dimension refers to the astral plane or the fifth dimension.”

I am going to tell the story of how I started to fly in my dreams. Since my mind is now open to the dream world, I could do whatever I wanted to do. I could conjure up my school bully and pull a successful prank on them. I could become the most popular kid in school and date the captain of the football team. I could be a princess and ride around in a limo with my escort. My dreams were limitless.

I remember one time in a dream, I started it off riding metro somewhere. I said nah this is boring. I changed the dream to place similar to the Grand Canyon. I stepped off the edge and started falling. I loved it. The wind was flowing through my clothes.

I could see the edge where I jumped get smaller and smaller. I looked around and noticed the various cliffs, birds, and nests. It was so cool. It gave me a sense of freedom I can’t get in the real world. I never hit the ground, so I just envision myself back at the top.

Now the dream where I actually flew started with me just standing around and noticed a really nice car. I walked over and hopped in. In real life I did not know how to drive, so I did the standard hand placement 10 and 2 and just turned the wheel left and right. I was driving my own car.

I rode the winding road until I was in the city. I parked the car and found a familiar face. The guy of my dreams. He was young and handsome. I was young and beautiful. We were the perfect couple. We hugged and we kissed. I was in love. He was my soulmate.

Well someone was not very happy with this situation, because a man came out of nowhere and demanded we come with him. My dream guy and I just looked at each other then responded simultaneously, “No thanks.”

This bulky looking guy with the thickest mustache I have ever seen responded, “So be it. We will do this the hard way.”

Out of nowhere ninja guys were jumping down from rooftops, coming out of alleyways, and running up the streets. They were all racing to attack us. Well in that moment we became super spy agents.

He took the ones on the right and I took the ones on the left. I was doing hand to hand combat with ease. Some karate moves, jumps, and flips. It was so much going on.

Did I mention I was wide awake in the dream? Yeah, so I could control it. I was able to jump from the side walk to the top of a tree then do a flip off it onto the motorcycle dream guy was driving. We continued to ride up and down the street battling these ninja goons.

We eventually got split up from each other in battle. I was alone in an alley. They were closing in on me. I didn’t know how to win this fight, so I jumped.

In to the air I went. I began to float up and up and up and up. The buildings became smaller, the streets became long, and I could see traffic across town. The further I floated up the smaller everything became. The plains of green over ran the country. In seconds, I was in outer space.

Once in space, the speed of my floating increased to an alarming speed. The earth was getting smaller and smaller and smaller. I knew I will become lost if I don’t stop myself. Once the earth is out of my sight my gut told me I would not be able to return home.

While earth was still visual to me, I pushed for me to wake up. It took a lot of strength to wake up, but I did. I woke up too soon. I could not move an arm, leg, or hand. I was scared. Slowly my limbs began to wake up and I was finally able to sit up in bed. I felt kind of drained. I believe it took all my inner energy to make it home. A funny thing I remember was after I was fully awake and not so scared, I became very sad. I will never see or speak to my soulmate. I just lost the love of my life.

Even though I have the ability to control my dreams, I still got into situation that scared me. Floating into the sky was a way to save myself. Each time I floated into outer space I would see how far I could make it. Each time I went a little further, and every time I returned my energy was low.

I’m starting to believe now that I actually experience astral projection. This would explain the loss of self as I drifted farther and farther from earth. Now can I do this today? No way. I am no longer jumping in the sky and floating away from earth. I’m officially grounded.

Thanks for reading my blog. My stories are going to get weirder, so stay tuned for the next story. It may be haunting.

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Daisy May

I love writing, daydreaming, dreaming, and reading. My friends love my stories, so some say make a blog. Here I am sharing my weird stories. Enjoy!