The Timeless Wisdom of Anandamayi Ma: Awakening the Infinite Within

8 min readSep 5, 2024


Welcome to a world where ancient myths breathe life into the soul of psychology. I’m Blessy, your guide through this enchanting landscape where the echoes of the past meet the whispers of the mind. I am a Postgraduate in Business and Psychology, constantly pushing the boundaries of my knowledge as a dedicated lifelong learner. I’ve ventured beyond the beaten path to unravel the enigmatic bond between timeless tales and the essence of our being.

Tat Tvam Asi

Imagine a majestic, ancient tree approaching you with calm, steady steps. Would you think you’ve gone mad or that you’re dreaming? This is how German novelist Mita Mashman described her first encounter with the divine presence of Anandamayi Ma, a woman revered as one of the greatest spiritual giants of modern India

Anandamayi Ma, whose name translates to “Blissful Mother,” was an Indian spiritual luminary who lived from 1896 to 1982. Born as Nirmala Sundari in a remote village of East Bengal, she exhibited signs of profound spiritual awakening from a very young age. Even as a child, she would spontaneously fall into deep states of samadhi, or ecstatic union with the Absolute. Her family and those around her were struck by her extraordinary spiritual gifts, as she would often enter altered states of consciousness and display a wisdom far beyond her years. It was as if the veil between the mundane and the Divine had been lifted, allowing the boundless light of the Absolute to shine through her innocent form.

As beautifully expressed in the Katha Upanishad:”When all the desires that dwell in the heart are cast away, then does the mortal become immortal, and attain Brahman here.”

As Anandamayi Ma grew older, her reputation as a great saint and enlightened being began to spread. She soon gathered a large following of devotees from all walks of life — from the poor to the high-ranking in Indian society. People were drawn to her vibrant presence, deep compassion, and the palpable sense of the sacred that radiated from her being. Many experienced profound spiritual awakenings and transformations in her company

Throughout her life, Anandamayi Ma lived with great simplicity and renunciation. She often wandered from place to place, sometimes sleeping on the streets with no possessions or concern for her own well-being

Her only focus was the realization of the ultimate truth and the liberation of all beings from suffering. Despite her outward simplicity, she possessed an extraordinary depth of spiritual realization and wisdom. She had a profound understanding of the nature of consciousness, the structure of reality, and the means by which one can transcend the ego and awaken to one’s true divine nature

At the heart of Anandamayi Ma’s esoteric teachings was the direct recognition of the true nature of the Self. She taught that beneath the surface of our personality, thoughts, and experiences, there exists a timeless, unconditioned awareness that is our essential being

“You are not this body, this mind, these thoughts and emotions,” Ma would often say. “That which you truly are has no form, no name, no beginning and no end. It is the eternal, absolute consciousness that is the very ground of your being.”

This truth is echoed in the Bhagavad Gita: “Weapons cannot shred the soul, nor can fire burn it. Water cannot wet it, nor can the wind dry it.”

Through a process of deep self-inquiry and contemplation, Anandamayi Ma guided her closest disciples to directly investigate the nature of this awareness. By letting go of their identification with the transient contents of consciousness and abiding in the pure, perceiving presence that they truly were, they were able to awaken to a profound sense of peace, freedom, and wholeness

One of the key practices Ma shared was a form of self-inquiry she called “the art of staying.” Through this practice, her disciples were invited to simply rest in the silent, spacious awareness that underlies all thoughts, emotions, and sensations. “The art of staying,” Ma would say, “is the art of Being. It is the art of dissolving into the boundless ocean of consciousness that you truly are.”

As her disciples deepened in this practice, they began to recognize the illusory nature of the ego and the true, limitless nature of their own being. Ma would often remind them, “You are not the doer. You are the silent witness. You are not the thinker. You are the pure awareness that is aware of the thinking.”

But Anandamayi Ma’s hidden teachings went far beyond self-inquiry and the direct recognition of the true Self. She also had a profound understanding of the subtle energetic structures of the human being and shared advanced practices of pranayama, mantra recitation, and kundalini awakening with her closest disciples

“The human body is a sacred temple, a microcosm of the entire universe,” Ma would teach. “By working with the subtle energies that flow through this temple, we can unlock the doorways to the highest states of consciousness and spiritual realization.”

Through these esoteric practices, Ma’s disciples were able to purify and harmonize the energetic flows within their own being, allowing them to access profound states of expanded awareness and divine union. Some would even report experiencing visions of celestial realms and encounters with higher spiritual beings

Perhaps the most radical and transformative aspect of Anandamayi Ma’s hidden teachings, however, was her insistence that true liberation and enlightenment could only be attained through the full embrace and acceptance of all of life’s experiences, both pleasant and unpleasant. “Suffering is the gateway to freedom,” Ma would often say. “It is only by fully welcoming and surrendering to the totality of life, without rejection or resistance, that we can transcend the confines of the ego and awaken to our boundless nature.”

By learning to surrender to the present moment with an attitude of openness, curiosity, and reverence, Ma’s disciples were able to let go of their conditioned patterns of thinking and behavior, dissolving the barriers that kept them trapped in a limited sense of self. As the Isha Upanishad declares:

“By that renounced, enjoy. Do not covet anyone’s wealth.”

So how can we, as modern-day seekers, apply the profound wisdom and insights of Anandamayi Ma’s hidden teachings to our own lives and spiritual journeys? Here are some key principles and practices we can draw upon:

  1. Inquiry into the nature of the Self: At the core of Ma’s teachings was the direct investigation into the true nature of the Self. Through practices of deep self-observation, contemplation, and releasing identification with thoughts and emotions, we can come to recognize the illusory nature of the ego and the boundless awareness that is our true being
  2. Embracing the totality of life: Anandamayi Ma taught that true freedom and enlightenment come through fully accepting and embracing all of life’s experiences, both pleasant and unpleasant. By cultivating an attitude of openness, curiosity, and reverence toward the unfolding of the present moment, we can transcend the confines of our limited sense of self and awaken to the profound beauty and sacredness of existence
  3. Working with subtle energies: Ma had a profound understanding of the subtle energetic structures of the human being and shared advanced practices of pranayama, mantra, and kundalini awakening. By engaging with these practices, we can deepen our connection to the flow of life force energy within us and access profound states of consciousness and spiritual awakening
  4. Devotion and surrender: Ma saw herself not as the source of her own spiritual power, but rather as a humble vessel through which the grace of the Absolute could manifest. By cultivating this same attitude of reverence and willingness to be guided by the Divine, we can open ourselves to profound spiritual transformation
  5. Living with simplicity and inner focus: Anandamayi Ma’s own life was marked by great simplicity and renunciation. She had no possessions or concern for her own well-being, but rather remained entirely focused on the realization of the ultimate truth and the liberation of all beings. By emulating this spirit of simplicity and inner focus, we too can free ourselves from the distractions of the material world and devote ourselves more fully to our spiritual awakening

As Anandamayi Ma herself humbly stated, “I am just an ordinary woman. Any spiritual powers or insights that manifest through me are not my own, but rather the grace of the Divine.”

By incorporating these principles and practices into our daily lives, we can begin to taste the profound freedom, peace, and wholeness that Ma’s hidden teachings point us toward.

Through the direct recognition of our true Self, the embrace of all of life’s experiences, and the cultivation of deep spiritual practice and devotion, we can awaken to the infinite divine consciousness that is the very ground of our being. As the Chandogya Upanishad proclaims:tattvamasi

“Thou art That.”

Throughout her life, Anandamayi Ma touched the lives of countless individuals with her profound wisdom, boundless compassion, and the sheer power of her spiritual presence. Her words and the stories of her life offer a glimpse into the extraordinary nature of this remarkable woman.

One particularly poignant encounter occurred when Anandamayi Ma met the renowned yogi and spiritual teacher Paramahansa Yogananda. As Yogananda approached Ma, she immediately got down from the car she was about to depart in and walked up to him, exclaiming in childlike joy, “Father, finally you have come!”

Yogananda, who was meeting Ma for the first time, was taken aback by her spontaneous recognition and affection. Later, when he asked her to say something about herself, Ma responded with characteristic humility and wisdom:

“There is so little to tell, Father. Before I came to this earth, I was the same. Even as a little girl, I was the same. I grew into womanhood, but still I was the same. And even afterwards, through the dance of creation, as changes happen around me, in the Hall of Eternity I shall be the same.”

Fully convinced of Ma’s divine nature, Yogananda remarked that Anandamayi Ma was always one with the Eternal, a testament to the profound spiritual realization she had attained

On another occasion, Ma encountered a humble beggar sitting by the side of the road. Without hesitation, she approached the man, bowed deeply, and asked for his blessing. The beggar, stunned by this unexpected gesture, could only stare at Ma in disbelief. “But I am just a poor, lowly beggar,” he stammered. “How can I bless one such as you, who is so revered and spiritually elevated?”

Anandamayi Ma simply smiled and said, “You are the embodiment of the Divine, my child. In your eyes, I see the face of the Absolute. It is you who have the power to bless me, for you are the living presence of the sacred in this world.”

As we integrate the wisdom of Anandamayi Ma into our daily lives, we too can begin to taste the freedom, peace, and wholeness that she so effortlessly embodied. For in recognizing the eternal, unconditioned awareness that is our true Self, we unlock the door to the infinite, the eternal, the divine — the very essence of Ananda’s timeless teachings.

So let us heed the call of this great spiritual giant and open ourselves to the transformative power of her hidden wisdom. For in doing so, we may just discover the boundless bliss that is our own fundamental nature, waiting to be unveiled. As the Taittiriya Upanishad joyfully declares:”The knower of the bliss of Brahman is not afraid of anything.”May the grace and wisdom of Anandamayi Ma guide us all on the path to awakening, now and always.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.




TatvaVeda: —a unique platform dedicated to guiding individuals through the timeless wisdom found in mythological stories and philosophical teachings.