What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses??

4 min readAug 12, 2019


August 12, 2019|strengths and weaknesses

Forget your weaknesses and play to your strengths.

We can’t always be perfect at everything. I know as a mother I wished I was better at some things.

Letting the things that are my weaknesses bother me or upset me will not help me at all. Instead of feeling bad about myself I just focus on my strengths.

Have you ever actually thought about what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are?

I believe everyone should know what they are. It’s a big part of making you who you are.

To start out young and know your strengths is very beneficial in future life.

Jobs will ask you; you will feel out applications for you to list what’s one of your strengths and weakness.

My children will know their strengths. They will thrive off of those. I hope they never let their weaknesses bother them.

Recently I wanted to dive in a little more about my strengths and weaknesses. I know they are different then the strengths and weaknesses I have as a mother.

What is your personality trait that bothers you or other people? Do you wish you could change it?

Or you impatient? Anxious? Indecisive? Easily distracted? Unorganized?

Seriously, though, don’t be discouraged. We all have our flaws, and indemnifying them is the first step to improving ourselves.

We will then learn to put all of our focus in our strengths. Not to let our weakness thrive or get us down.

Some weaknesses that get me down,

To many decisions to make shuts me down. I know this is a weakness of mine. I have to make a lot of decisions every day. I am working on not letting it bother me.

Being too social drains me. I have never liked being like that. I know some days I have to be more social then others. This is a trait of mine I do not want to pass down to my children.

Not being flexible. I would love to be more go with the flow type person. Getting off schedule bothers me. I like lists!

Bad will-power. That bag of chips gets me every time.

Cooking. If you know me or have read some of my blogs you know I hate cooking. I must ament I have gotten better over the last couple years, but I do not enjoy it. Working progress.

Clutter and unorganized. This is a battle. Specially between me and my husband. I’m always looking and trying to learn new ways to stay organized.

I will not focus on those weaknesses. I will work on them but not let them control me. Instead I focus on my strengths. Knowing your strengths can make you a better mother, or better in the work force, or just better in everyday life.

My Strengths

Empathy. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another. I understand the feelings of my children, family and friends.

Open-minded. I have always been very open-minded. I can see everyone’s point of view. I can see how things can play out in different ways. Is this a strength or a weakness? It’s who I am. It’s part of me. I will choose to play that for my strength.

Sensitive. Sensitive to the needs of others and can usually anticipate them. Again, is that a strength or a weakness?

Focused. Once I have my mind on something there is no distracting me. I want it or I want it done.

Ability to cope with failures and learn from mistakes. I Learn from them. I do not let them stop me. I can throw a little fit then I keep going. I keep trying.

Knowing your strengths will help you. I know what I want to pass down to my children. I know what I have to offer in a job. I know what will help me in life.

If you don’t know your strengths or weaknesses or never gave it too much thought. I will leave you a list to consider.


  1. Ability to prioritize
  2. Analytical thinking
  3. Attention to detail
  4. Communication
  5. Interpersonal skills
  6. Flexibility
  7. Organization and planning
  8. Problem Solving
  9. Punctuality
  10. Self-confidence
  11. Soft skills
  12. Teamwork
  13. Working under pressure
  14. Enthusiasm.
  15. Trustworthiness.
  16. Creativity.
  17. Discipline.
  18. Patience.

20. Respectfulness.

21. Determination.

22. Dedication.


  1. · Leaving projects unfinished
  2. · Providing too much detail in reports
  3. · Shifting from one project to another (multitasking)
  4. · Taking credit for group projects
  5. · Taking on too many projects at once
  6. · Taking on too much responsibility
  7. · Being too detail-oriented
  8. · Being too much of a perfectionist
  9. · Too much procrastination (as long as you still meet all your deadlines)
  10. · Working too many hours
  11. · No patience
  12. · Distracted
  13. · Angry

