How to Make the Most of Google Scholar Website

Blessonic swag
7 min readMay 13, 2024


How to Make the Most of Google Scholar Website. Google Scholar is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your research capabilities. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or simply someone who wants to stay up-to-date with the latest scholarly articles, Google Scholar can provide you with a wealth of information. In this guide, we will walk you through the various features and tips on how to effectively use the Google Scholar website to maximize your research efforts.

Finding Recent Papers

When searching for papers on Google Scholar, the search results are usually sorted by relevance rather than by date. However, if you’re specifically looking for newer articles, there are a few options you can explore in the left sidebar:

  1. Sort by Date: Click on the “Sort by date” option to display the most recently added articles, sorted by date. This option is particularly useful if you want to see the latest additions to the database.
  2. Since Year: By clicking on “Since Year,” you can filter the search results to show only recently published papers, sorted by relevance. This option allows you to focus on the most up-to-date research in your field of interest.
  3. Email Alerts: To stay updated on new articles related to your search criteria, click on the envelope icon in the left sidebar. This will enable you to receive email notifications periodically with new results that match your search query.

Locating the Full Text of an Article

While abstracts of most articles are freely available on Google Scholar, accessing the full text may require a subscription. Here are a few options to access the complete article:

  1. Library Links: Look for library links such as “FindIt@Harvard” to the right of the search result. Clicking on these links can lead you to the full text if your institution has a subscription to the article.
  2. [PDF] Links: If there is a link labeled [PDF] next to the search result, click on it to directly access the full text of the article. This link typically leads to a PDF version of the paper.
  3. All Versions: Click on “All versions” below the search result to explore alternative sources for the article. This can help you find open access versions, preprints, or articles available in repositories.
  4. Related Articles and Cited By: To find similar articles or papers that have cited the search result, click on “Related articles” or “Cited by” below the search result. These options can lead you to additional resources or more specific research on the topic.

If you’re affiliated with a university but don’t see library links, it’s best to check with your local library about the best way to access their online subscriptions. They can guide you on accessing articles either through a computer on campus or by configuring your browser to use a library proxy.

Getting Better Answers

Sometimes, finding the right answers to your research questions can be challenging. Here are some tips to improve your search results on Google Scholar:

  1. Learn the Terminology: If you’re new to a subject, it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with the terminology by referring to secondary sources. For example, a Wikipedia article on “overweight” might suggest searching for “pediatric hyperalimentation” on Google Scholar.
  2. Check References: If the search results are too specific for your needs, take a look at the references cited in the articles. Referenced works tend to be more general in nature and can provide a broader perspective on the topic.
  3. Explore Cited By: On the other hand, if the search results are too basic, click on the “Cited by” link to find newer papers that have referenced the original articles. These newer papers often offer more specific insights and advancements in the field.
  4. Author Search: If you want to explore the work of a specific author, use the “author:” operator followed by the author’s name. For example, searching for “author:’d knuth’” or “author:’donald e knuth’” will yield results specific to that author.
  5. Title Search: To search for a specific paper by its title, enclose the title in quotation marks. For example, searching for “A History of the China Sea” will provide results specifically related to that paper.
  6. Sort by Date: To ensure you are accessing the most recent articles, click on “Since 2018” in the left sidebar or “Sort by date” to view the newest additions first. You can also set up email alerts to receive new results automatically.

Remember that research questions often have multiple answers. To gain a comprehensive understanding of a topic, click on “Related articles” or “Cited by” to explore closely related work or search for the author’s name to discover other works they have written.

Google Scholar Library

Google Scholar offers a personal library feature that allows you to save and organize articles of interest. Here’s how you can make the most of this feature:

  1. Adding Articles: When you come across an article you want to save, click the “Save” button located under the search result. This will add the article to your personal library.
  2. Accessing Your Library: Click on “My library” at the top of the page or in the side drawer to access all the articles you have saved. You can search the full text of your library articles by entering your query in the search box.
  3. Organizing Your Library: To categorize your articles, use labels such as “artificial intelligence” or any other relevant label. To add a label to an article, find it in your library, click the “Label” button, select the desired label, and click “Done.” You can view all articles with a specific label by clicking on the label name in the left sidebar of your library page.
  4. Removing Articles: If you want to remove an article from your library, find it and click the “Delete” button under it. This will remove the article from your saved collection.

Remember that your library is personal and only visible to you. However, if you create a public profile, the articles in your profile will be visible to others.

Citation Export

Google Scholar makes it easy to export citations to your bibliography manager. Here’s how you can add the full citation of a search result to your bibliography manager:

  1. Cite Button: Click on the “Cite” button located under the search result. A popup will appear with options to select your bibliography manager.
  2. Select Bibliography Manager: Choose your preferred bibliography manager from the options provided, such as BibTeX, EndNote, RefMan, or RefWorks. This will automatically export the citation to your chosen manager.

If you encounter any issues with citation export or have specific requirements, consult the technical guidelines provided by your bibliography manager or contact their support team for assistance.

Email Alerts

Google Scholar allows you to set up email alerts to receive notifications about newly published papers or citations to your articles. Here’s how you can set up email alerts:

  1. Topic-Based Alerts: Conduct a search for your topic of interest, such as “M Theory.” On the search results page, click on the envelope icon in the sidebar. Enter your email address and click “Create alert.” You will then receive periodic email notifications with newly published papers that match your search criteria.
  2. Citations to Your Articles: To receive alerts when your papers are cited, create a public profile. Once you have a profile, click “Follow” next to your name on the homepage, select “New citations to my articles,” and click “Done.” Google Scholar will then email you whenever new articles cite your work.
  3. Citations to a Specific Paper: If you want to be notified when a particular paper is cited, search for the paper’s title and click on the “Cited by” link at the bottom of the search result. Then, click on the envelope icon in the left sidebar to set up an alert for citations to that paper specifically.
  4. Monitoring Competitors or Colleagues: To stay updated on new papers published by specific authors, search for their name and click on their profile if available. Click “Follow” next to their name, select “New articles by this author,” and click “Done.” This will enable you to receive email alerts whenever they publish new work.

Email alerts are sent out regularly, usually several times a week. However, please note that our search robots observe holidays and updates may be delayed during those times.

Content Coverage

Google Scholar covers a wide range of scholarly literature, including journal and conference papers, theses and dissertations, academic books, preprints, abstracts, technical reports, and more. It includes works from various academic publishers, professional societies, university repositories, and other sources across different research areas.

While Google Scholar indexes articles from most major academic publishers and repositories worldwide, it is not possible to guarantee uninterrupted coverage of any specific source. The search results include both free and subscription-based sources. Some articles may require a subscription to access the full text, while others are freely available.

Inclusion and Corrections

Google Scholar aims to provide accurate and comprehensive information. However, errors can occasionally occur due to the automated extraction of data from diverse fields. If you come across an error in a search result, you can help by notifying the website owner where the error originated. They can provide correct bibliographic data to Google Scholar, which will be reflected in the search results.

If you are an author and cannot find your papers when searching for them, refer your publisher to Google Scholar’s technical guidelines. Additionally, you can deposit your papers in your institutional repository or make PDF versions available on your personal website, following your publisher’s requirements.

Should you notice an error in a court opinion provided by Google Scholar, please inform us with the URL of the opinion, the corrected information, and a verifiable source for the correction. We can make corrections to court opinions hosted on our website. For other types of documents, such as academic papers, books, and dissertations, please contact the owner of the website where the document is hosted for corrections.


Google Scholar is a valuable resource for researchers, students, and anyone interested in scholarly literature. By utilizing the various features and tips outlined in this guide, you can navigate the Google Scholar website with ease and make the most of its vast database of articles. From finding recent papers to accessing full-text articles, organizing your personal library, and setting up email alerts, Google Scholar offers a comprehensive platform to enhance your research endeavors. So go ahead, explore the world of knowledge with Google Scholar!

Find more Google for scholar articles here

Find more Google scholar website articles here

