People’s Open Views on Herbal Medicine

Becky Lieu
4 min readNov 14, 2016


Surveys are a good way to learn about the communities way of thinking and educating them as well.

Why This Survey was Conducted

I have known about herbal medicine since at a very young age; however, I was quite shocked to find out that some people are not even aware of its existence. After conducting a survey, I was quite shocked with the results. When first researching about the topic of herbal medicine there was not that much information in recent news. I thought that this was normal because herbal medicine is not a very trending topic these days. I checked some news sources and it while there are some articles there not as much for the general community to talk about. However, I thought that people at least heard of herbal medicine. I did not expect the results that I got from the survey. I wanted to conduct this survey to answer my question of how many people really know what herbal medicine is, and how important spreading the information of herbal medicine is. From the survey that I conducted I conclusion that not many people know of herbal medicine, but once given some information and insight they were more open to the idea and some even wanted to try it out for themselves if given the chance to.

Results of Survey

Since herbal medicine is not a very trending topic in news, mainstream websites, and online in general, I thought that the results of the survey would correlate to the popularity of herbal medicine, and they do. The first question of the survey was “Do you know what herbal medicine is?” Out of the 25 people interviewed only 9 people actually knew what it was. The survey proves that not only is herbal medicine topic unpopular online, but also unknown with the random people conducted in the survey were not familiar with it. Some people had an idea of this type of alternative medicine, but were not aware of anything else besides medicinal marijuana. While it is a herb, many people do not know the extent of herbal medicine and how there are many other types of herbs not as controversial as marijuana. I wondered if because the survey was collected from college students around San Francisco, the location, effected the result of the survey. While this could be a factor, some people had an even more limited knowledge of herbal medicine.

When I asked if these people who participated in the survey wanted to try herbal medicine if given the chance to, there were more people who chose yes. The results showed that 15 people choose yes for wanting to try herbal medicine, and 10 others that said that they would not like to try it. Some people had completely no idea what herbal medicine was, and they had to be given more information and context to answer the question on the survey. They were told that it was a form of alternative medicine involving plants instead of chemical-based pharmaceutical drugs. While there were some people that were against even trying it, there were some who were open about the idea. This shows that if people knew more about herbal medicine, then people would be more willing to try it for themselves and help others gain awareness of it. I had no idea that creating this survey would be more informing other on the topic of herbal medicine rather then getting actually getting information and data out of them.


After conducting this survey, I can conclude that there are still a majority of people who are unaware of herbal medicine and are even curious about herbal remedies. While the entire survey was conducted to find more information and data surrounding herbal medicine with people today, it turned out to be more of getting people more aware of herbal medicine’s existence and spread more information about it. While herbal medicine is still known to others, it is still very much unknown on a larger scale; the lack of sources and information online proves it. Herbal medicine does deserve to be more known, especially since others are curious about it. But people can only benefit from herbal medicine and other alternative forms of healing only if they know it exists in the first place.



Becky Lieu

Hello! My name is Becky, I am pursuing a major in biochemistry at San Francisco State University. I have a interest in science and medical health.