A Sermon, of sorts.

David Moser
2 min readJul 24, 2016


I don’t like telling people what they think. So, I don’t. Often enough, though, you can tell.

I think everyone has a religion. It’s just a placeholder word for “how you live your life.” We all choose that for ourselves. If we are careful and lucky, we learn to take responsibility for that choice. Example: I choose to attend worship services at the Church of Christ at the end of my street (hypothetical, okay?) because I agree with what they say they believe. After attending for a short time, I find that they will only sing hymns unaccompanied by piano or other instrumentation; human voice alone. This offends me, so I go shopping for another church. (No offense meant to those who find unaccompanied music part of their moral compass.)
By my actions, you know my religion.

Another example: I do not believe in God, god, or gods, so I choose to go fishing on Sundays, and any other time I can get away (again, hypothetical, okay? Not a fisherman).

This is in contrast to theism, which is a term that I am using categorically to refer to “the gods one chooses to worship.” I know that’s not the dictionary definition. I like mine better. My religion and my theism go together. Mostly. But (and this is why I like my definition better) they don’t have to. I know many people who worship gods that we all know well (money, power, fame) who self-identify as Christian. Capitalized. Sometimes in bold font. I know others who are Muslim. Or Buddhist. Other words are more appropriate. Monetarian. Power-ite. Acclaim-atist.

There are words about this in the book of James, New Testament. Dogen talks about it in his Instructions to the Tenzo, as does the sixth zen patriarch. I have only read the Qur’an through once; I’m pretty sure it mentions the idea. Maimonides speaks of it, and Murshid Sam made two short films about it.

My religion (real one) is kindness. My theism is my family.



David Moser

Too many things, and also a farmer. I love my family more than anything else in the world, but cannot resist interesting problems in any field whatsoever.