Frank M Ste
5 min readOct 8, 2021

Awakened from darkness adversity to light shining to all in the midst of difficulty and uncertainty.

A kid who was brought from the far east had a difficult childhood as most children who were in the far east with strict culture tradition. Upon arriving to the west because of an opportunity arises for my mother to work had a chance to take children. I came to the west sudden change several new things to adapt such as language, culture, tradition. Had to essentially struggle my way at school with finding it hard to communicate with fellow students get along with people. Went to uni achieved a degree equiv in travel & tourism management. Had to look for employment then came the time that entirely changed put me upside down as things took a serious turn for the worse.

Well as anyone who have encountered a head to head with individuals of grandiosity to the point of really not thinking or having the understanding of causing others pain. That’s what exactly happened as my path took a detour. My God the detour took so long with the pandemic on top of it made it to delay my plan to work hard on going to my dream place to find work. The amount of emotional drain i had to suffer was on a significant proportionary measures. In a period at the start when everything was literally falling apart i really went to the depth where i almost could not see a way to being back to being me. I went further away from the very thing i believed the most my faith in my saviour Jesus God Universe. Because every single thing i was doing was going really wrong. I also came to know during this time psychically i felt a shift as the tide was not on my side as i kept getting backlash setbacks after setbacks. I knew i was going through really deep treacherous waters when it came to my wellbeing.

Many of the people I believed were my friends turned their back on me did not show or get in touch with me when their help became necessary during this period of difficulty. This period involved friendship relationship betrayal which i had to go through. It was so much to take at times. Also knew one individual particularly could have activated a spell on me some kind of black magic. There were certainly signs as the days become harder and harder i began to experience more problems back home with family. The individual went at enormous length by any means necessary to destroy me. When I went further away from the divine. I experienced more problems in fact that time it got very problematic. I developed myself some kind of resilience told myself i need to resurrect my faith in God Divine. So I did i came i started developing my faith with it i also practised mindfulness meditation. My faith grew it still does every day I really had to go for it to have complete faith that the trauma whatever i encountered faced which totally changed me will be good. I remember in the bible of christianity the scripture says all things work for good when you believe and love god. This is when my recovery truly began from the abuse trauma i suffered to where I am now. I’m in a better place than where i was few years ago. It’s still a work in progress. The recovery has taken long it does not stop i’m growing every single day knowing i can put my faith on God. My life was not given in silver platter. I was not fortunate to have had a secured relationship with my caregivers family relatives. Now I’m in a position i can give me take and insight on my personal experience on how to develop a strong relationship with people.

Even though i struggle with the pain every now and then only because i have not found good like minded people to be part of my circle. Please feel free to reach out to me if you understand my journey and if you went through something similar i have gone through to make any type of transformation. I would like to hear from you the general people whichever journey you have taken whether you are a cancer survivor an abuse survivor like myself me being able to survive the emotional abuse at the hands of this manipulative individual or anyone who is keen to know more about my journey or on a spiritual path or have understanding about science side of things which has a link with spirituality.

I hope to create a team where we can come up with a plan to be able to make a difference in the world focusing on expanding awareness on being loving, kind compassionate to one another knowing we are all here to fulfil our goals as well as god’s purpose for our life. It’s important to note i need support from people from the general public. I’m still healing from the experience. I know the healing will come to its course on due time i hope it’s soon i just go with the process. Thank you.

Frank M Ste

After being thru tis life changn expernce I have grown spiritualy takn understandn nd wisdom to folow in the paths of gret leadrs who seek peace kindnes compasn