No need to make money, babe. Direct it.

Denisa Rensen
2 min readJun 15, 2016


like energy, money cannot be ‘made’

it’s made already

How much CASH is there in the world?


That is multiples of this 1,000,000,000,000,000!

There is no need to ‘make’ money. It’s like energy, it cannot be ‘made’ anyways. It’s made ALREADY, quadrillions of it in the world.

Your job is to simply DESIGN to draw it in, to direct it, to align it to you.

Aligning with the already existing wealth in the world is such a more efficient and swift way to financial abundance. It is such a relief that we do not have to ‘make’ it. Don’t you think?

How do we align and direct the existing wealth in the world our way?

By precise design consciousness.

Aligned with our highest calling, our genius, our service. Any business venture we dive into will be hard relentless work. But if we design to be in our ZONE of genius, if we design from passion, if we design to create REAL juicy solutions, if we design to connect and elevate our clients stories and lives… we will DIRECT MONEY OUR WAY.

Period. Guaranteed.

Coherence, Passion, Perseverance, and Good Design are the key pillars of your financial abundance. Wake them all! Daily.

Direct the wild wealth of the world to you.

You will surely release it into the world once again,

in benevolent directions. Right?

I am so honored to be here with you. Thank you so much for the read! I am Dr. Denisa Rensen and I support women as they align & design their lives for SIGNIFICANCE, for IMPACT & for BLISS. Get your free guide here

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