How to Successfully Talk to Women

Jessica Gold, Ph.D.
4 min readMay 27, 2020

There’s really only 1 thing you need to know

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

One of the biggest frustrations my clients (who are mostly men) come to me with is how to communicate with their partners (who are mostly women).

What I find is that many men simply have no framework for conversing with a female partner, especially in an emotionally-fraught situation, outside of giving advice, trying to make her calm down or feel happy, or fixing whatever problem she might be having.

Now, there is nothing wrong with having these skills: having wise advice, being handy, and offering calming perspective are all great sometimes. The problem comes if that’s the only way you know how to be in a conversation. And, most of the time, that’s not what women say they want.

(Obviously, women and men and people of all genders have diverse wants and ways of communicating, and what I’m speaking to isn’t always the case. It can also go the other way around — women also have to learn to listen, and men want to be heard. Here I am speaking to what I have observed with my clients and in many conscious communication classes over the years).

I’m trying to write this in a matter-of-fact way because, first of all, I also had to learn how to communicate well — I too only knew how to fix or give advice, which ultimately…



Jessica Gold, Ph.D.

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