Words of Wisdom

Tejaswini Katreddy
2 min readNov 8, 2019


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

The other day after coming from work, I was watching Big Bang Theory, there was this episode in which a girl from the comic book store was hitting on Leonard. He was very attracted to her and wanted to do something about it but he was in a long distance relationship with Raj’s sister Priya who was in India. He wished why he couldn’t be the bad guy for that one time so that he wouldn’t be troubled by his conscience.

Often in life, we are faced with these kind of decisions where our mind tells something but our heart wants something else. I was faced with one such situation many years ago where I badly wanted to do something but somewhere deep down in my heart I knew that it wouldn’t be a right choice. This constant conflict made me lose my sleep and finally one day I gave up and turned to a friend of mine for advice. He offered the words of wisdom, which I remember till date.

When in doubt, always remember who you are and what you want..

What a great advice that was ! It cleared all the confusion and gave me clarity on what my choice should be. Many a times, we think about how we would be judged by others but the important part is, how we would judge ourselves after doing something. Everyone has their own sense of right and wrong. When one adheres to the values they believe in, even though it might cause temporary discomfort, in the long run one would never regret the choice they made.

So, make your choices wisely folks !



Tejaswini Katreddy

Software Engineer, *Top Reader* , Like to write about experiences or anything worth sharing | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/tejaswini-katreddy-03257016/