Quick Guide: Preparing For A Healthy Pregnancy

5 min readJul 1, 2019

By: Natasha Eziquiel-Shriro

While it is important to have a healthy, toxic-free lifestyle at any time in life, the habits that we have when trying to conceive and during pregnancy are vital. Yes, every woman, body, and pregnancy is unique, but there are some solid basics we can be aware of from Day 0.

So while following celebrity pregnancies on Insta can be #pregnancyinspo, that is not going to give you an honest look at what it takes to have a healthy pregnancy. That’s facts.

Here are some concepts to consider if you’re thinking about having a baby.

Eat Right

Let’s start with the most important step in preparing for a healthy pregnancy: nourishing your body. Whether you are dealing with infertility related to Polycystic ovary syndrome (also known as PCOS), have a hectic lifestyle where nutrition hasn’t been a priority (but have a suspicion that living off delivery isn’t going to give you the most), or honestly just never gave a second thought to what you eat, the truth is that it’s helpful to start a healthy way of eating before pregnancy and ride that out through to the end.

Keep in mind, how your body looks isn’t a clear indicator of whether or not your nutrition needs are being met. So while it’s true that weight loss or gain before…




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