BLOC 3.0 is coming. Check what’s new
8 min readNov 6, 2018


It’s been a while we did not write news here. Being silent doesn’t means we are doing nothing. We are hard working to prepare our move to the new BLOC 3.0.

Ok so what the BLOC 3.0 is all about ? What’s news ?

To be honnest. Almost everything is new. We upgraded the BLOC core to the next level to be able to support the new upcoming project like Paychange (our decentralized exchange), Traakx (hardware with artificial inteligence for athletes) and others. The new BLOC 3.0 will be ready to operate properly with this new upcoming projects.

What are the changes exactly ?

It is difficult at this point to make a list of all the changes but you can find here some of them.

As you might know BLOC is a fork of Bytecoin with a lot of changes that today makes the BLOC. The BLOC core 3.0 has been completely revamped in this version. This means everything is much more clean and documented in the source code. A bunch of new features has been added and a complete overwall redesign and rewrite as been done.

The BLOC 3.0 works better and it is much faster and lighter than the previous version.

New core means new tools.

  • A new BLOC Wiki has been created with the complete instructions how to use BLOC and what the BLOC is all about including complete guides and tutorials with screenshots and videos.
  1. New API’s for developers. We are almost ready with the new BLOC-DEVELOPER website. A much more advanced version including wrapper in PHP, Javascript and GO lang allowing more developers to build around the BLOC. You can see already that we have moved our current BLOC 2.0 api to the old domain because we are working implementing the new changes but in the same time we will keep the old api for sometime so you can still access the old functions and features of BLOC 2.0. We think that we are going to provide the most advanced developer tool for cryptonote coins by providing a complete and easy to use all-in-one online test tool for BLOC.

2. New BLOCd daemon will allow anyone to run a public BLOC node for fun and profit. A lot of people ask us about ways to make some extra BLOC without fancy mining hardware or tips or bounties. Now we have your answear and we think you are going to love how easy it is! If you know how to synchronise the blockchain you already know how to setup a public node.

3. A new BLOCWallet Cli to replace the actual SimpleWallet. A much better version, more easy to use with new features built-in. We have migrated the RPC function of SimpleWallet into the new BLOC-service. Only one RPC wallet now wich make everything much simpler and easier to use and update.

4. BLOC-service will be the substitue of current Walletd a HTTP server which provides JSON 2.0 RPC interface for BLOC payment operations and addresses management. Updated with new version and compatible with the current container wallet files. You can restore anywallet using private keys or the new mnemonic-seed (25 words phrase to recover your wallet)

5. New GUI miner is almost ready and will be available at the launch of BLOC 3.0. Allow you to use your favorite XMR-stak and XMrig CPU & GPU miners embedded in a nice looking and easy to use graphical user interface. The new BLOC GUI miner is based on the Stellite miner source code modified and customized for BLOC.

6. The current BLOC Wallet for desktop will no longer be running on the BLOC 3.0. Make sure you are backing up your wallet with the Export Key option if you are using the desktop wallet.

Most of this upgrades would not have been possible without the help of the cryptonote community especially TurtleCoin. You should check them out. This guys are doing an awesome job and have some similarity with BLOC.

At the time of this writting this is what is missing to be able to launch the BLOC 3.0 :

  • Adding more security upgrade to the core (almost ready but still need more testing and implementation)
  • Finishing the new BLOC GUI miner (80% ready)
  • We need to create a new BLOC GUI wallet from scratch using electron. (This might require extra time and we are not sure if we should wait for this to launch the new BLOC 3.0 since we have Telegram wallet, iPhone wallet but also the BLOCWallet Cli so all this will be compatible with the new core but not the actual desktop wallet) Let us know what do you think ?
  • Finishing the BLOC-developer new version with all the new apis implementation. (70% ready)
  • Upgrade the wallet iPhone and Telegram with the new core
  • Adding more tutorials and guides to the wiki

So that’s about it for the updates from the blockchain now about the products:

  1. Paychange is still on work. The website is well advanced but still need require a lot of work. But we have already made a huge progress. We are still confident about the launch of Paychange for early 2019.

2. Traakx project has made some progress too. We have the iPhone app almost ready for release. The cool thing about Traakx is it will be the world first iPhone app that extract the run data from a GoPro video file and synchronise everything together so you can understand how an athlete practice his sport as best. A new innovative way to track the progress of your favorite athletes. We hope to release the app in the app store before the end of this year. The Traakx hardware device is still on heavy work but require more progress.

3. BLOC Hardware wallet is on the way. We think the best place to keep your BLOC is a hardware wallet specially designed for BLOC. For this reason we have used our knowledge from the last 15 years working in the mobile phone industry and we are happy to bring soon the first BLOC hardware wallet allow you to extend the features of the new upgraded BLOC dashboard. We expect a launch for early 2019 with pre-order available in december.

4. A new BLOC dashboard and light wallet. Well designed easy to use with a focus on on accessibility, security and simplicity but in the same time the most advanced light wallet you ever saw and maybe the only wallet you ever need ?

5. The BLOC paper wallet is on the way as well and should be ready before Christmas.

6. We also want to have ready a BLOC online shop where you can buy cool things BLOC related and do some special package for christmas. We made some custom BLOC coins limited edition and we can’t wait to show them.

7. Interviews, Youtube and more socials. We know that we need to communicate more about the BLOC and we are going to do it as soon as the new BLOC 3.0 is online. For this reason we are working with some amazing talented designers to create the perfect BLOC avatar that fit our community. Not that we do not want to show their face, but we think it is much cooler to use BLOC as a real person and mix it with ourselves from the team and the community. This is what it looks like so far. An humanoid mix of human and robot. BLOC is friendly don’t worry :) The idea is to be able to use it as an avatar in real time while doing moves, talking and more. The same as any real person would do maybe even better :)

8. Mobile wallets for Android is still planned before the end of this year. While an update for iPhone should come in same time.

That’s about it for the updates. And to resume i would add the following :

BLOC will always focus on :

  • Respect your privacy.
  • Provide you with your private keys no matter what.
  • You are in the control 100% of your money.
  • Real mining from blockchain
  • We don’t ask for your identity papers to use BLOC and we will NEVER do
  • Provide real use case to buy/sell and spend the BLOC in a powerfull ecosystem.

Together we are stronger. We can make things change. You are not alone. Join the community today and let’s exchange ideas around the BLOC to make it better in every way.

Thank you for your support.


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BLOC is a fast, easy to use and private decentralized cryptocurrency. A blockchain for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs