Introducing — Prepares to Disrupt the Mobile Industry
5 min readAug 15, 2019


The BLOC.MONEY (BLOC) Project has been established to develop and popularise the Blockchain Technology as well as the use of cryptocurrencies in the everyday life while respecting the environment.

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BLOC.MONEY — Ticker: (BLOC) is a fast, easy to use and private decentralized cryptocurrency without involvement of financial institutions. BLOC is based on the same open-source Cryptonote technology used by Monero and runs on a secure peer-to-peer network to operate with no central authority. BLOC enables untraceable and anonymous transactions. Using a distributed public ledger, the sender, the receiver and the transacted amount are kept anonymous. You control the private keys to your funds.

BLOC is set to disrupt the mobile industry in the developing world, as our blockchain technology is revolutionising the financial services industry by empowering users across the globe to be rewarded in return of its use but also pay and be paid anytime, anywhere, without costly intermediaries. has a 2 minutes block time which is 5 times faster than Bitcoin and much more privacy built-in. This allows new possibilities to spend BLOC on a every day life with respect of your privacy. BLOC aims to develop an innovation-friendly and sustainable ecosystem that will enable bridging the gap between the cryptocurrencies and the everyday life. Community driven and truly decentralized, no one owns BLOC, everyone can take part. BLOC was created without an Initial Coin Offering.

More than 2.7 billion smartphones are in use today, and developing markets represent the greatest areas of smartphone growth. BLOC was designed to meet the needs of users in both developed and developing countries. With an unprecedented range of mining options, BLOC has solved one of the most significant impediments to global cryptocurrency adoption: lack of accessibility. BLOC’s simple, egalitarian approach to mining makes getting started with cryptocurrencies easier than ever.

Too many ICO’s has popped out without real products at the end and a lot of disappointment. We decided to do it differently. We have a strong belief in our no-funding strategy; if we make a cool product, the value will create itself.

One of our main goal is to provide a cryptocurrency which is safe, easy to use and attractive combined with a powerful ecosystem for users, to benefits advantages from multiple type of industries like never done before. One of our mission is to build a more open, accessible, and fair financial future.

A complete range of BLOC wallets has been developed as well: a stunning iOS app already available in the Apple app store; an intuitive, ready-to-print paper wallet; a desktop wallet for macOS, Windows, and Linux; and a Telegram wallet that makes BLOC available to more than 200 million monthly users.

To make BLOC truly accessible to all, BLOC Team has created perhaps the best support suite in the industry. Direct help is available through a wide range of channels, and BLOC Wiki features a comprehensive array of tutorials on the use of all software.

BLOC is traded on two exchanges, STEX and TRADEOGRE, with many more to come.

BLOC Proof of Work Cryptonight Haven algorithm ensures that affordable hardware is no impediment to success: everyone can mine BLOC with roughly equal efficiency, making a uniquely egalitarian currency. BLOC avoids many concerns, e.g. technological, environment impact, reputational and security, of Bitcoin, and provides a glimpse of the future. BLOC makes mining eco-friendly.

BLOC is accessible by anyone in the world regardless of their geographic location or status.

BLOC’s ecosystem includes several innovative projects designed to extend its use into areas still dominated by fiat currency. The two most notable are PAYCHANGE and TRAXX.

PAYCHANGE, which launches later in 2019, is designed to change the way we pay and get paid every day. It uses’s secure platform to provide a range of buying, selling, and transfer services, while connecting buyers and sellers with an innovative approach.

PAYCHANGE coming soon

TRAAKX is the first social network that combines artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency to serve the needs of athletes. It represents a new way for athletes to share and monetise their passion for their favourite sports.

BLOC’s decentralised, egalitarian approach to cryptocurrency is just the beginning. The currency is constantly looking for entrepreneurs ready to improve the BLOC ecosystem with new services and products. These joint efforts are funded by a locked store of pre-mined BLOC coins, which guarantees funding through each project’s final release.

It’s about time to take back the control of your money. Free your life today, enjoy the BLOC lifestyle.

Find out more at Join us!

If this is your first time hearing about BLOC, we recommend starting by visiting the official BLOC.MONEY website and/or the BLOC.WIKI



BLOC is a fast, easy to use and private decentralized cryptocurrency. A blockchain for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs