Introducing Simple Wallet Optimized version
6 min readMay 29, 2018


Stability is our focus right now. We want everything to work like a swiss swatch at BLOC.MONEY. We are happy to release today a new update this time for Simple Wallet.

What is Simple Wallet ?

It’s a wallet. Simple. A very basic wallet working in command line and also has RPC command features, this means you can access your wallet from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. Because it’s Simple Wallet, it doesnt use any GUI, it’s using the basic features but there is all you need to keep your money safe and use all the options that the GUI client wallet have.

What’s new in this version ?

- Better user interface
- Import wallet from private keys
- Create a view wallet
- Automatic transaction splitting when the transaction is too large
- Manual wallet optimization for better handling future large transactions

Simple Wallet explained

Simple wallet is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS systems. You can download Command line client & Simple wallet for your prefered system or you can compile yourself using the BLOC GitHub.

Let’s start the BLOC daemon. This is the classic BLOC.MONEY software that allow us to connect the BLOC network. To start BLOC use the following command in terminal in the folder where you compiled or downloaded the binaries files.

Type ./BLOCd to start the daemon and wait for the synchronization to finish

Now you can start Simple Wallet by using ./simplewallet command inside terminal. So you will have two terminal windows open at the same time.

Enter the letter as follow:

[G] — Generate a new wallet address
[O] — Open a wallet already on your system
[I] — Import your wallet using a View Key and Spend Key
[V] — Import a view only wallet (Unable to send transactions)

[G] — Generate a new wallet address

  1. Enter the name of your wallet
  2. Enter the password of your wallet
  3. Confirm the password of your wallet
  4. You will obtain your new generated BLOC Wallet address including your private spend key and the private view key.
  5. Always use the command exit to quit your wallet
  6. You can save the wallet file that was created near the simplewallet executable.

[O] — Open a wallet already on your system

  1. Type [O] to open a wallet previously saved on your computer. Copy the wallet file near simplewallet executable. Type the name of your wallet and enter the password.
  2. If the file is correct will start to synchronise with the blockchain. If you transactions are found in this wallet they will appears here with the transactions details.
  3. Once the synchronisation is finished you will see the finished scanning blockchain message. This means your wallet is now properly setup and corectly synchronised with the BLOC network. Do not forget to type exit to exit your wallet properly.

[I] — Import your wallet using a View Key and Spend Key

  1. Type [I] to import a wallet using private keys. You can import your Telegram using this method for exemple. Enter your private spend key and your private view key. Give a name to your wallet and choose a password then hit enter.
  2. If the keys are correct the wallet will start to synchronise with the blockchain. If you transactions are found in this wallet they will appears here with the transactions details.
  3. Once the synchronise is finished you will see the finished scanning blockchain message. This means your wallet is now properly setup and corectly synchronised with the BLOC network. Do not forget to type exit to exit your wallet properly.

What is a view key ?

A view key is used to reveal all transactions for a account, or just the key for a single transaction without being able to spend thos account funds. View keys can be given to selected parties, or can be made public for crowdfunding or charity events, children can be given their own accounts, and parents can monitor their spending. It’s like: Hey! You can look, but you can’t touch!

[V] — Import a view only wallet (Unable to send transactions)

  1. Type [V] to import a view only wallet using private view key and public address. Enter your private view key and the public address corresponding. Give a name to your wallet and choose a password then hit enter.
  2. If the keys are correct the wallet will start to synchronise with the blockchain. If you transactions are found in this wallet they will appears here with the transactions details.
  3. Once the synchronise is finished you will see the finished scanning blockchain message. This means your wallet is now properly setup and corectly synchronised with the BLOC network. Do not forget to type exit to exit your wallet properly.
Type help inside your wallet to access all the available features

Available commands:

help : List this help message
reset : Discard cached data and recheck for transactions
bc_height : Show the blockchain height
balance : Display how much BLOC you have
export_keys : Export your private keys
address : Displays your payment address
exit : Exit and save your wallet
save : Save your wallet state
incoming_transfers : Show incoming transfers
outgoing_transfers : Show outgoing transfers
list_transfers : Show all transfers
quick_optimize : Quickly optimize your wallet to send large amounts
full_optimize : Fully optimize your wallet to send large amounts
transfer : Send BLOC to someone

Simple Wallet RPC dedicated build

Since the 29th May 2018 updates we have added a separated build for simplewallet_rpc which is not compatible yet with the new simple wallet. If you need RPC support on simple wallet please make sure you are using simplewallet_rpc. You can find out more details about how to use RPC commands and simple wallet on BLOC-DEVELOPER.COM

Simple Wallet Optimization

Some transactions were getting stuck in the pool due to their sizes and the network inability to handle them because of its maturity.

We have added wallet optimization for Windows, macOS and Linux GUI wallets, as well as simplewallet. simplewallet now also allows you to restore a wallet with private spend and view keys.

If you are mining, it is highly recommended to enable wallet optimization (Settings > Preferences > Wallet Optimization) because you will be more prone to transition getting stuck if you’re wallet isn’t optimized. Transaction size increases if you have many small transactions amount on your wallet, and try to send a big amount in one transaction. The bigger the transaction size, the more likely it is to get stuck.

This page will be updated soon explaining how to use the wallet optimization into simplewallet.

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