Quantum Computing Projects for Beginners — Quantum Glasses

Jay Shah
3 min readJan 31, 2023


Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Various Tech Giants and Leading Economies have recognised Quantum Computing as a significant upcoming technology. However, a lot needs to be accomplished to harness quantum power. This makes it necessary to have more skilled professionals in the quantum industry. With recent tech layoffs from companies like Google, Meta, and Twitter, individuals can look forward to adding Quantum Computing to their skillset. This can lead to a complete career transition or can help with upgrading their role (for example, Software Engineer to Quantum Software Engineer). In this series, I shall introduce beginner-level Quantum Computing Projects for a hands-on learning experience.

Demo of Quantum Glasses

In this post, I shall introduce Quantum Glasses! In this project, you create a Tkinter Software developed using IBM Qiskit and Tkinter. You can have a look at the video above to understand the software you would create!

Quantum Glasses allows you to apply a total of 11 single-qubit gates as well as their combinations and helps you to visualize their effect on a Bloch Sphere. These concepts build the foundations of Quantum Computing. Visualizing these concepts and understanding them better prepares you for the Quantum Computing journey ahead. If you observe the image below, you would understand that Quantum Glasses resemble greatly to a scientific calculator. It was purposely done to give it a familiar feel because once you finish creating it, you can use it for your Quantum Computing journey.

Quantum Glasses

Before we proceed, let’s understand the reasons that make Quantum Glasses a good first Quantum Computing Project!

  1. Beginner-friendly project

The Project helps to understand basic Quantum Computing concepts like gate model quantum computing, single-qubit gates and Bloch Sphere.

2. Multi-disciplinary

Quantum Computing is situated at the intersection of Quantum Physics and Computer Science. Therefore, the field attracts professionals from both of these fields. Quantum Glasses is a perfectly balanced project that helps both of these individuals.

3. Hands-On Learning

You get to learn Basic Quantum Computing while developing a QC Project that you can showcase on your resume.

Now, it’s time to dissect Quantum Glasses!

Dissected Quantum Glasses

The Software Body can be categorized as Screen, Quantum Buttons and Software Buttons.

  1. Like the Scientific Calculator, the Screen keeps a record of the applied Quantum Gates.
  2. Quantum Buttons are the part that makes Quantum Glasses truly quantum! Each of these buttons represents Quantum Computing Gates as defined below:
  • X Button - X Gate (Quantum Not Gate)
  • Y Button - Y Gate
  • Z Button - Z Gate
  • H Button - Hadamard Gate (applies Quantum Superposition)
  • RX Button - RX Gate
  • RY Button - RY Gate
  • RZ Button - RZ Gate
  • S Button - S Gate
  • T Button - T Gate
  • SD Button - S Dagger Gate
  • TD Button - T Dagger Gate

3. Software Buttons are composed of the following:

  • Visualize Button - To visualize the applied operations (similar to the equals button (=) on Scientific Calculator)
  • Clear - To reset the software for a new set of operations
  • Quit - To close the application
  • About - Opens the how-to guide for the application

The entire project is built from scratch and all concepts are explained meticulously in this 4-hour-long video!

Alternatively, you can follow this playlist that has the same content!

Watch this space for more projects and follow Bloch Sphere for more on Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence!

You can follow Bloch Sphere on LinkedIn here.

You can follow me on LinkedIn here.



Jay Shah

I am a Quantum Machine Learning Researcher, Quantum YouTuber and Quantum Educator.