IRITA is featured on “Platform for Digital Healthcare Resources” of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)

3 min readMar 28, 2020


Recently, IRITA Healthcare, independently developed by IRISnet core development team Bianjie, and the Blockchain E-prescription Sharing Platform jointly developed by Bianjie and Fosun Healthlink have both been featured by “Platform for Digital Healthcare Resources”(PDHR) of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT). The goal of the platform is to fully support healthcare providers utilizing the innovations from internet technology.

The PDHR is built with the joint support of the China National Health Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The CAICT and the Industrial Internet Innovation Center (Shanghai) are responsible for the development and operation of PDHR. The goal is to improve the information support capability of COVID-19 ‘s epidemic prevention, and continuously improve the digital health service efficiency.

The PDHR uses a new generation of information technology such as 5G smart medical care, telemedicine, mobile health APP, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data analysis, blockchain and other digital health service resources. The PDHR collects industry data relevant to epidemic prevention and control. It plays an important role in assisting epidemic research and diagnosis, innovative diagnosis and treatment models, as well as improving service efficiency, and preventing cross-infection.

Introduction of IRITA Healthcare:

About IRITA and IRITA Healthcare:

Powered by Tendermint, Cosmos SDK and IRIS Service (a.k.a. iService), IRITA is the first consortium blockchain product in the Cosmos ecosystem. Combining the advanced Cosmos technology stack with years of experience in providing industry solutions, Bianjie has delivered a slew of exciting features in IRITA: flexible digital asset modeling, highly practical on/off-chain interoperability, privacy-preserving data access authorization, pluggable cryptographic algorithms, not to mention the efficient consensus engine and cutting-edge cross-chain capability that come with Cosmos.

IRITA can be used to build next-generation distributed business applications for various scenarios, such as supply chain financing, digital asset exchange, healthcare data exchange, etc.

IRITA Healthcare is one of its vertical solutions, which supports privacy-preserving healthcare data exchange and analysis. The earlier versions of IRITA Healthcare were used by China Ningxia Healthcare Platform and Fosun Health Cloud.

Related reading: Bianjie announces that IRITA becomes open-source



Introduction of Blockchain Electronic prescription sharing platform

The blockchain electronic prescription sharing platform includes the blockchain backend module, the prescription module, and the front-end application module.

  1. The front-end application module includes four aspects: the physician side, the patient side, the pharmacy side, and the government side as well as the hospital side, the third-party audit side, and the commercial insurance company side? etc.
  2. The prescription module provides electronic prescription tools for pharmacies on the market to issue a prescription, manage prescription and perform prescription quality management to realize the docking with clinical electronic prescriptions in hospitals.
  3. The landing scheme of the blockchain backend module uses the medical data exchange network supported by the underlying technology of IRITA. Mainly used in medical network solutions, drug dispatching services, epidemic protection, and health management.

Bianjie provides blockchain technical support for the implementation of the platform. It has seven characteristics: efficient exchange of information, non-intrusive audit, integration of services on and off the chain, protection of personal data, seamless cross-chain resource invocation, authorized access in the permissioned blockchain and distributed intelligent services.

Based on blockchain + smart medicine, Bianjie and Fosun Healthlink will continue to explore the application of blockchain technology in the healthcare field.

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