This Week in Tezos Gaming 014: Off-Season Tournaments and The End of Tezotops

Block Born
4 min readSep 22, 2022

It’s been an exciting week! We now have a date for the next competitive gaming tournaments on Tezos and it isn’t far away. October 1st will be the start of our first ever off-season events.

Once the off-season events begin, things will really keep heating up from there. September was a month to slow down as we reviewed the results from Season One and planned our next moves. Now, as October approaches, it’s action time again.

It all gets even better considering our first news story of the week. Let’s jump right into it.

1 Circuit Breakers Announces Off-Season Tournament

The world of Neonz is about to get a whole lot cooler with the launch of Circuit Breakers, a 3D platforming/speedrunning game. This is one of the first real-time games (as opposed to turn-based) to ever launch on Tezos.

We’re excited to be teaming up to bring world-class esports to the Sutuverse.

This is the very beginning of our off-season events. Starting soon you can enjoy the thrill of hunting bounties 24/7, during season and during off-season.

It all starts on October 1st, only 9 days from the publication of this blog post. That’s super close!

You can’t play Circuit Breakers quite yet — it’s still in closed beta until the 1st — so stay tuned and keep an eye on our Twitter and our Discord for more info very soon on how you can start playing and grinding for $XTZ bounties.

2 Dogami’s Tech Demo Begins

Dogami’s tech launch has officially begun. 100 players are now testing the game to try out the user experience and look for bugs. This is the first time that people outside of the team are getting a chance to extensively test out the gameplay.

All the rewards are simulated, but the testers will receive their real rewards as an airdrop later on.

It’s too late to apply to be a part of the tech launch unfortunately. Keep an eye out as Dogami moves forward with their launch process, eventually there will be more opportunities to try out the game.

3 Tezotopia’s final continent begins: C36

Land plots, aka tezotops, have been minting for over a year now. The very first tezotop was created in May 2021 and players gained the ability to mint their own tezotops in October 2021. Since then, over 10,000 tezotops have been minted.

A tezotop

Now we finally approach the end of tezotop minting. It’s hard to believe that the time for new tezotops is almost over.

Mint tickets are dropping at a rate of 3-per-day across the player pool of Medium and Heavy battles. If you want a chance to mint a tezotop then this is your final way to get a ticket. After that the only way to get a tezotop will be via the secondary market.

4 Celestial-X sells out Land Sale

Celestial-X is a PFP project consisting of about 3,500 “space explorers.” They’ve got an upcoming game mode which will be like an autobattler in battle royale mode (according to the website).

Information about the Celestial-X PFP collection

After announcing a land sale last week, they’ve now announced that all the land has sold out.

Now that the team has sold their PFPs and land, next up is staking, a “gallery” of some kind, and missions/upgrades. Looking forward to seeing the first gameplay modes become available in the Celestial-X universe.

Almost “Go Time” for Tezos Gamers

The crypto bear market isn’t easy on anybody in web3. Gamers aren’t immune to this. The last month has certainly been a tougher one as a lot of gaming development for Tezos projects happened behind-the-scenes and there were not too many things to get hyped about.

Now things are about to change. The Circuit Breakers launch is the beginning of a series of fun events that should hopefully take us all the way into Season Two (when?) and, more broadly, all the way into 2023.

Next week we’ll have a lot more specifics on the upcoming off-season tournaments. For now, have a great weekend and thanks for reading.

