Docademic (MTC) is to telemedicine as Google is to search

Blockchain Friend
5 min readMay 15, 2018


Ratings at a glance [9 out of 10]

Team — 10/10
Community — 9/10
Project Vision — 10/10
Project Stage —8/10
Marketing Hype —8/10

What is Docademic & MTC?

As per World Bank and World Health Organization, half of the world lacks access to basic healthcare. Health care expenses are pushing hundreds of millions of people into poverty. Currently, nearly a billion people spend 10 percent of their household income or more on health expenses for themselves, a sick child or another family member.

Image result for docademic

Docademic has been providing free basic healthcare since 2016 to the world through universalization, integration and improvement of medicine with the help of AI and Blockchain. Docademic believes in a world where everyone has access to quality healthcare, not only the privileged few.

The Docademic platform is a single globally-sourced healthcare service platform for the public that begins with free Human Doctor-AI assisted Video Telemedicine service (Docademic app) already in use in 20 countries by 8000 users every month and an associated suite of AI assisted tools and social network for the medical community (Docademic for Doctors). Combined, these produce the highest level of free basic quality healthcare allowing any individual to access the benefits and knowledge of healthcare that technology now permits.

The Docademic platform delivers high-end services such as real-time geographic epidemiological data reporting, Automated AI-Driven treatment and diagnosis suggestions for Doctors in institutions or private practice, massive access to patient populations for preventative campaigns, and Docademic´s advanced proprietary Tools such as its AI-assisted Electronic Health Record and Digital Vademecum. A universal native Token: the Medical Token Currency, MTC is the fuel that will power all services Docademic provides. The team is in talks with Healthcare institutions, Governments and partners to make MTC the preferred Token for their own upcoming and existing medical services, as they migrate to decentralized platforms.

Team [10/10]

Docademic has assembled a world class team with over 200 years of combined experience in Healthcare and Technology. The team has a proven track record in IT, Hospital management, Pharmaceutical Industry, Emergency Care, Clinical Research, Legal and regulatory and expertise in Internet and mobile technology. The team has built Docademic app— one of the largest Video Telemedicine services in the world with users in 20 countries.

Community [9/10]

For Docademic, the community is a set of doctors, patients, hospitals. With more than 8000 treatments per month across 20 countries using the Docademic app monthly and 1000 doctors on the Docademic for Doctors platform, Docademic is well set up for growth.

The team needs to capitalize on the first mover advantage by adding more doctors, hospitals through partnership and marketing the platform so that more patients join the platform.

Project Vision [10/10]

It is so simple to describe the vision — free basic healthcare to the world. The combination of AI and blockchain combined with the unmatched first mover advantage of having a large number of doctors and patients on the platform will make it the Google of telemedicine.

Docademic uses AI to assist doctors on providing assistance. The AI engine suggest treatments that are considered by the doctors at the time of treatment. AI is also used to process the data and came out with predictions on diseases about when and how they can occur and spread. This enriches the data products. The team also has some projects on lab using AI on identifying possible skin cancer in pictures that the patients will be able to upload.

Project Stage [8/10]

The project is already live and running. MTC needs to be integrated in the app as a payment mechanism for premium services. The actual Docademic roadmap starts from 2012 when the company was started. I am sharing the activities that are planning in 2018 and further

2018 Q1. Docademic MTC Token Sale
2018 Q2. Support for tokens and token listing on cryptocurrency exchanges
2018 Q2. Launch of Docademic Marketplace inside Docademic Platform
2018 Q2. Launch of Docademic Platform in US
2018 Q4. Launch of Docademic Platform in Europe
2019 Q1. Launch of Docademic Blockchain and Medical Coin (MC)
2019 Q2. Launch of Docademic Platform in Asia and Middle East
2019 Q3. Further expansion into rest of world and increase in services and products offered in marketplace.

Marketing Hype [8/10]

Until now, the marketing has been really low key for Docademic. I didn’t know when the ICO came. Except for a few tweets by John McCaffe, there has been virtually no discussion on this token. Docademic will be covered by Fox News in June and Forbes Latin America in July.

Growth Potential [10/10]

MTC will generate superlative returns because of the following

  1. Working product in 20+ countries
  2. Airdrop for token holders — A part of the unsold tokens have been burned and about 114M will be airdropped to token holders over 2 years (about 4,760,000 every month) to circulating token holders. This will encourage HODLing.

3. Launch of the platform in US and Europe in 2018 and the launch of Docademic platform

4. MTC will be used throughout the Docademic marketplace.

Usage of MTC Token in marketplace

5. Docademic blockchain to be released in 2019

6. MTC will be used to enable a loan program for doctors. Details on this will become clearer later.

There will be multiple re-rating of the coins over the next 1–2 years as Docademic delivers on its roadmap. I expect the returns to be 10X-50X in 1–2 years from its current price of $0.076. Please note that the price of the tokens could still be lower due to increase in circulating supply as a result of airdrops.

The social impact to this world due to the project is high and for early investors the returns will also be equally high.

The opinions mentioned in this article are my views to get feedback from readers on my investment strategies. This article is not an invitation to invest and should NOT be construed as such. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are a very high risk asset class. If you intend to invest, please do your own research before further investing and invest only what you can afford to lose. The author is not a financial advisor and the assumptions and calculations used by the author could be incorrect. The author does not take any money, cash or crypto to promote the tokens / currencies, but may be invested in them.



Blockchain Friend

An eternal learner. Analytics + technology + finance + crypto passion = crypto analyst. Join me in my journey of learning the art of crypto analysis