How to Launch a VPS and Start a Tierion ChainPoint Node

3 min readSep 18, 2017


This guide will walk you through the steps. If you choose to use our referral code url you will qualify for this offer below. I recommend only spending $5.00/month on each node, and that is all you need to successfully run a chainpoint node with the tokens: TNT tokens and Credits to process hash.

Digital Ocean — Give $10, Get $25 — Use our referral:

Everyone you refer gets $10 in credit. Once they’ve spent $25 with us, you’ll get $25. There is no limit to the amount of credit you can earn through referrals.

Your VPS Node is Month to Month. No contract. Click the link about to register.

Follow this guide for further instructions to setup node:

I prefer the simple script of logging in as “root” and launch this command

curl -sSL | bash

Guide url:

Successfully launched nodes will look like this screenshot below

Simply use the same VPS for $5/month no contract. Simple pay and use.

DigitalOcean is our favorite choice: (This is our referral code. How we stay in business educating you).

Please ask us any questions and always refer to official sources for reference.

Official sources by Tierion/Chainpoint:

Launch Announcement:

Please support us by registering to any of our affiliate links below:

