The Business of Cloud Hosting Is Growing Faster than Ever

Topnews In World
2 min readApr 12, 2023


What is the cloud?

The cloud refers to software, applications, and other services that run on the Internet rather than on a remote server. Many companies use cloud technology to extend or enhance their current processes, including hosting, data storage, and application delivery. In short, cloud technology allows companies to redesign their back-end architecture (servers, databases, application software, etc.) and place them in virtual environments where they can be accessed remotely without the own physical server hardware is required. Cloud services (also known as web services) are the general way to transfer this computing power. The cloud also allows any employee with Internet access to access authorized corporate systems and programs.

advantages of moving to the cloud for companies

Businesses can enjoy many benefits by migrating to cloud technology. This change can not only help reduce budgets but also positively improve the way employees communicate.

Cost Savings: Before cloud technology, companies had to pay for on-site staff and even off-site data centers. Cloud technology saves space and costs by allowing your business to pay for a hosting company instead of hosting servers yourself. For example, Oracle Cloud customers save about 30–50% when they move to the cloud.
Better Data Security
Data stored in the cloud is encrypted, making it more secure than other hosting solutions. Because cloud technology is constantly updated and newer than older data centers, cloud hosting companies can keep up with the latest cybersecurity threats while offsite servers are at greater risk. Also, the company doesn’t have to focus as much on internal security as cloud hosting companies offer various options including tokenization, firewalls, and

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).

While data is deemed more secure in the cloud, that doesn’t mean it can never be lost. The third-party company could accidentally delete or migrate your data without backing it up, forcing you to lose valuable data, programs, or upgrades. This part of the procedure is almost entirely outside your authority.

Technical assistance is outsourced

Imagine your company or any of your employees experiencing technical problems with your cloud provider. In that case, you’ll typically be required to reach out to a consumer assistance line via chat, phone, or email. Depending on your miracle level and the cloud provider you’ve chosen, answers to technical problems could take days, slowing down your company’s productivity.

