Introducing ( BC )

Blockchain Company
11 min readJul 17, 2017


This publication is offered in two parts:

  1. Unfortunately, 99% of global consumers have no knowledge of the Blockchain whatsoever. This contradicts democratization of a technology that is meant to solve real use case problems universally. Here’s how BC believes Google would solve this problem if it were a decentralized utility.
  2. How Blockchain Company will reserve “ free “ BC Tokens for registered users, to scale its Decentralized Network Effect (DNE).

In April of this year, Cambridge University produced an impeccable 114 page report titled: GLOBAL CRYPTOCURRENCY BENCHMARKING STUDY , and we curated it on Their research suggested less than 10 million people in the world have crypto wallets for Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. Let’s assume a more optimistic number of wallets of circa 30 million, a very tiny fraction out of 7 billion people on this planet.

If indeed the internet of value is going to exceed the internet of information, then, we all have a lot of work to do ensuring this new democratising technology called the blockchain reaches everyone.

Cambridge University Report

Therefore, with the understanding of how Google helped us discover the web, by creating a seamless search engine for user website discovery, Blockchain Company has started its first foray into blockchain, by offering a
Visual Search Engine utility, that aims to help bring blockchain content, products and services, in such a way consumers universally can easily digest and connect. That’s our first application and major challenge.

We’ve found most people and surprisingly Americans who usually lead by innovation and adoption, out of 100 people, less than 5% have ever heard about the blockchain and have no idea whatsoever about what it is, or potential can do. Ask them about Bitcoin however and yes they’ve all mostly heard about it. Unfortunately, most still associate bitcoin with scams and illegal activity through ignorant press media. The same can also be said with ICO’s now proliferating.

If you actually take a closer look at, you will notice most of the buyers are in the majority the same. Therefore we have a huge problem to help solve, with blockchain and cryptocurrency consumer discovery as a first step.

We are also excitedly getting half way through our seed round, from early investors who share our long term vision, fingers crossed.

Blockchain Company ( BC )

Another great thing Google did to become the multi-billion dollar company it is today, albeit a centralised one, is they started rolling out applications that are most essential to a global user base. Meaning their applications have strong use cases, hence gmail, google docs, youtube and about 60 apps they have personally developed over 15 years in their ecosystem. The other apps bringing their total number of native applications up to 140, are acquisitions all along their impressive trajectory. It is why Guy Kawasaki once said, “ Google feels like the environment! “

Learning from Google, Blockchain Company through all its infinite iterations of development going forward, aims to develop blockchain protocols and decentralised apps, that will either be native, or integrated within our media utility for global users within our evolving ecosystem. At the same time, we must provide a “ visual search “ mechanism, that is easily accessible for the infinite number of global businesses and institutions who will be developing blockchain apps, that need to be seamlessly discovered, shared, engaged with and utilised by 7 billion potential consumers worldwide.

Thus far, we are internally sandboxing about 35 blockchain applications to develop on our short to long term roadmap. These applications are going to be across vertical sectors of industry over the coming months and years. A handful of them are potentially disruptive, hopefully.

For an idea sneak peak, we are going to develop that we acquired for our portfolio, to provide a highly disruptive Litigation and Legal apps protocol. Actually, we are now taking a contrarian view, and think Law and Legal firms should be able to scale services quite significantly through, as opposed to being eliminated through blockchain disintermediation as previously thought. Consumer users are also going to benefit through legal democratisation as a utility platform. You can look forward to learning more about Supremecourt as a Blockchain Company application in early 2018.

One of the distributed ledger criticisms we have found through our research, is the idea that most ICO’s and applications listed on do not really help solve any problem at all, or neither do most have strong Use Cases. To some extent, this is a fair and constructive criticism. How can we really solve problems to help our world reach a more egalitarian TYPE ONE CIVILISATION in our lifetime?

At Blockchain Company, we believe the missing technology is indeed blockchain, that will help with tokenisation and democratisation of almost everything. It is very hard to believe this possibility, until you have carried out deep research yourself. This suggests wealth distribution throughout the world can look very different indeed by 2050 once you understand the underlying utility potential. Here is a Podcast we highly recommend by The World Economic Forum you can listen to:

Recommended Listening: Blockchain by The World Economic Forum | Free Listening on SoundCloud

It will take 10 to 20 years for blockchain’s first major impact, however we’d like to think a 15 year old today, will be doing things very differently indeed by the time they become real consumers at the age of 25 years old. I already know several people and friends of mine in the 19 to 25 years of age range, who mostly exchange value through cryptocurrencies such as golem, eth, bitcoin, dash, gnosis etc.

The way millennials respond to blockchain is entirely different than older generations. This partly explains why 19 to 25 year olds are raising funding on the fly through ICO, completely by passing venture capital and angel investors. The founder of Ethereum Vitalik Buterin, was only 19 years old 3 years ago when he came up with developing a turing complete smart contract blockchain.

So the psychological behaviour of younger consumers suggests, by only 2030, 13 years from now, millennials may only utilise fiat currencies 30% of the time and crypto assets as a means of value and exchange, 70% of the time.

To visualise what I’m suggesting here, think what the world looked like before the iPhone, and how it and Android have helped achieve a multi-trillion consumer market in only 10 years. Before the iPhone, Uber, Airbnb and several other apps did not even exist! Facebook had the foresight to understand the shift in young user behaviour and pivoted to a mobile friendly UI. They didn’t even flinch in their acquisition of Whatsapp for $18 billion. The value is in the future. Companies who do not understand this, become irrelevant like Kodak unfortunately.

So, I’m saying I now believe from all my bitcoin hackathon meetings in London and through research and development we have carried out at Blockchain Company, a 15 year old today, may never or hardly ever visit or use typical banking services, because they simply would not need to.

As millennials accumulate and gamify crypto assets, younger and older users who innately adapt to blockchain, either become their own prudent banks, or they simply seek out authenticated blockchain banks, or indeed traditional banks that pivot to blockchain correctly. The near future masses will do this to meet their consumer needs, due to the dense myriad and complexities of DLT apps, tokenisation of almost everything, and a new kind of financial blockchain services that will most certainly ensue.

A simple example of how banks can pivot is one I generally use in a few of my talks about the blockhain. Imagine if Barclays Bank launched Barclaycoin?

One, it keeps them relevant as their industry is disrupted, Two, they can re-harness millions of current customers that are most likely going to drift away once they realize the internet of value, and Three: they help democratize wealth to millons of customers through a decentralized digital currency of their own.

We also have a number of financial solution blockchain apps on our short to long term development roadmap. As I pointed out, we like to think… what would Google or Apple do if they operated as blockchain companies?

A book I strongly recommend everyone to read, even though it is slightly outdated, only because it was published in early 2015, is by Melanie Swan. Titled: Blockchain: Blue Print for A New Economy. Melanie was the Founder of Blockchain studies at the Singularity Institute at Stanford University at the time of writing this book I believe.

Melanie’s book is the most comprehensive I have read so far, covering almost every angle of the impact and possibilities of blockchain in almost every sector from government, governance, supply chain, economics, academia, ecommerce to even AI! The 149 pdf is free for downloading here.

Blockchain: BluePrint for a New Economy, by Melanie Swan

Blockchain Company looks forward to along with many others, who are developing blockchain protocols and apps, proposing the evolution of problem solving use cases across industries such as law, energy, media, environmental, financial services, supply chains and regional sector parts of the world.

I want to express many thanks for reading our very first publication here on Medium and we encourage you to create a free account on Blockchain Company so you are on record to get “ FREE PRE-SALE BC TOKENS “ in our FREE and first ICO coming soon.

Here is How our Free BC Token Pre-sale and Free ICO Distribution works to help scale a Decentralized Network Effect (DNE):

To create a strong and sustainable DNE for our media and technology utility platform, we researched and learned for Numerai’s free token distribution. This method of free distribution of our Native Cryptocurrency “ BC Token “ aims to acquire as many users reasonably feasible in our early stage. This initiative should help amplify a strong utility network effect, of ubiquitous blockchain content, apps, services and user engagement as follows:

  1. Registered users between March 17, 2017 our startup date and the end of August 2017, will be awarded 1000 free BC Tokens retroactively. If you are a registered user within this time frame, you are considered an early adopter helping create blockchain awareness and scaling our decentralized network effect.
  2. Registered users between September 1st, 2017 and September 30th 2017 will be awarded 500 Tokens each. This and the above is considered Pre-sale all for free!
  3. Then we shall announce a “ Free ICO “ commencement date, scheduled for sometime in October 2017, and distribute 100 Free BC Tokens respectively from our allocated supply into the marketplace. We shall also publish our overview White Paper sometime in or after September 2017.

Whatever percentage we hold back from BC Token’s supply will help us in further development, operations and growth marketing of our media utility as token value appreciates. Registered users awarded free BC Tokens can ultimately trade their “ unlocked “ tokens on crypto exchanges at market value. We anticipate most users will hold on to their tokens and benefit from potential market price appreciation.

Daily “ User Engagement and Activities “ should ultimately impetus BC towards a critical mass of consumers and growth numbers through a sustainable DNE. Our goal is to evolve a leading utility platform for global blockchain consumer discovery.

The next app development ICO (Fundraising) to run consecutively right after our BC Token native digital currency, is BCtv which you can get a skinny preview of here. *Note, you can only view BCᵀᵛ in its current format on laptops, desktops and connectedtv. We will make further announcements about the potential impact of BCᵀᵛ , what it aims to do, its ICO and further development, as we progress further on this year.

BCᵀᵛ also known as is a coming soon video utility, out of 35 applications on our roadmap to be developed and powered by Blockchain Company. Click here to have a sneak peak of our alpha MVP.

In the meantime, we’ll be busy working on our Ethereum smart contract and other compliant ERC20 mechanisms, to ensure a smooth and fair free distribution as outlined above for our BC Token native digital currency.

Note* All Registered Users after distribution of Free BC Tokens post FREE ICO closing, will still need to perform certain duties to unlock the value of their awarded tokens for future crypto exchange trading, p2p, b2b and b2c consumer exchange, or utilised as a form of payment going forward.

Registered users will be able to unlock BC Token value awarded to them, by helping build our utility’s network effect, through performance activities such as making critical comments on curated articles, sharing admin and vendor curated content , inviting friends to join Blockchain Company and lots more going forward. After a user registers and starts performing activities, our algorithm starts to award points for various actions. See our admin user profile as an example of points accumulated here .

Each point is equivalent to 1 of your Free BC Tokens awarded. We don’t reveal what activity earns more points, so it’s a lot harder to scam and helps us provide a global utility with user integrity.

If there is no activity within a registered user account after 90 days, our Terms & Conditions at time of the award, will specify the right for Blockchain Company to let unlocked tokens expire back into our pool for other user activity awards. The point here is, we need to be more vigilant of dumb and scam accounts usually witnessed on social networks. For instance, we could award moderators free tokens for monitoring inactive accounts. If however a registered user has unlocked all their free tokens through activity, then they have well earned it.

At scale, BC Token can be used as a means of exchange between users, merchants and vendors operating within our ecosystem and for all kinds of payments, including buying tokens for several other ICO Applications as previously suggested for development on our short to long term road map.

We are thinking like Google, Apple and Tesla, three great companies we significantly admire and have grown up with. We want to build a decentralised ecosystem of such magnitude, utilising blockchain and distributed ledger technologies that potentially connects everyone.

Therefore, early adopters will also stand to benefit from generous discounts and first to contribute opportunities, in all our near future “ Paid “ ICO’s. Users with BC Tokens should also be able to swap out of one Blockchain Company crypto asset or digital currency, into another.

For instance we might be able to make it possible to exchange BC Tokens for a Waste Management ICO token we are developing in our sandbox, or an Insurance Blockchain ICO token etc. All possibilities are going to be explored going forward, so let’s see what happens. We aim to make Blockchain Company an exciting ecosystem to live, work and play.

We have chosen to launch our first BC Token native digital currency and ICO as a free initiative, which makes the most sense in helping us provide a strong and sustainable network effect, by aiming to reach as many people in our first alpha to beta phase across the world.

Most people out of the 99%, do not have to understand complexities of blockchain just yet. All they need to do at this point is register as a user on Blockchain Company to discover all kinds of blockchain use cases and apps provided by startups, businesses and institutions from around the world.

Over time, through discovery, collaborating and sharing what institutions are doing, we and global users of Blockchain Company can start to understand business and significant career opportunities, services, learning, tokenisation and democratisation of what the blockchain truly provides.

Thanks very much indeed for digesting our first Medium Publication and Introduction to If you’ve enjoyed reading this publication, kindly share it with friends.

Robert Haastrup-Timmi
Chief Visionary Officer.



Blockchain Company

BlockchainCompany (BC) is a Media & Technology utility bringing blockchain & distributed ledger technologies closer to everyone. See: