Early $ECO-mmunity Airdrop Details

Blockchain Ecologist
3 min readJun 4, 2024


We’re just over a month into the launch of the Fantom $ECO community coin, and if there’s one takeaway from the whole experience it’s that a strong early community is key to project success. Couldn’t be happier with how large-ish sells from sniper bots and early flippers have been absorbed, with more and more holders coming on board and improving distribution.

The more considered buyers that understand the project appear to be very content to pick up their profits from the multiple lucrative farming rewards on offer, rather than dumping every time there’s a pump. Honestly don’t think I’ve seen such solid and steady early price action on a token this size.

It all comes down to the diamond hands of $ECO holders. It’s the type of community you can’t buy, made up of the type of people you want to have holding your project’s tokens. The type of community you want to reward.

So they (and others we hope to welcome soon) will be getting airdropped 2.5% of total supply (25,000 $ECO), worth $18,500 at the time of writing!

A series of several snapshots are being taken in the lead up to Fantom’s migration to Sonic, with the first already stealth snapped on May 28. These snapshots include $ECO tokens held in wallets and within LP including:

The value of each snapshot is the amount of $ECO in your wallet or LP at the time. If a snapshot was taken at the current price of $0.74 and you had:

  • $100 of $ECO in your wallet
  • $100 of Equalizer LP farming $EQUAL
  • $100 of Beethoven BPT farming $BEETS

Your $ECO snapshot value would be 135.1 (=100/0.74) from the wallet, 67.6 (=100/0.74*0.5) from the Equalizer LP, and 108.1 (=100/0.74*0.8) from the Beethoven BPT for a total of 310.8 snapshot points. The higher allocation from the Beethoven BPT compared to the Equalizer pool is due to it being 80–20 weighted, meaning there’s a 60% higher amount of $ECO held in it.

If prices stay constant, you maintain these holding values, and there are seven snapshots, your total snapshot score would be 310.8*7 = 2,175.6. The 2.5% allocation will then be dropped to eligible wallets proportionally.

Weighting means that holding $ECO in your wallet brings the highest value airdrop return per $ invested of all options. It’s up to community members to decide whether they want to factor the airdrop into how they are holding their tokens. Collect more farming rewards, or position for max airdrop?

Either way, early $ECO-mmunity rewards will be landing in your wallet!

To help guide the decision, consider that at the moment 66.5% of supply is locked (holders viewable on ftmscan.com), with another 2.5% of tokens in the treasury wallet and ~6% in project-owned LP (viewable on DeBank).

This means that ~25% of supply is currently in the community’s hands across both wallet holdings and LP positions, and that the 2.5% airdrop will see the $ECO balances of early community that make it into each snapshot grow by around 10%. You’ll get 1 $ECO gifted for every 10 you’re holding!

It’s just one of the many ways that early $ECO community members will be rewarded. And there’s still plenty of time to get involved. If you’re part of the project on Fantom you won’t be forgotten after the migration to Sonic.

Do with this information as you will.

And don’t forget to smile for the camera.

Telegram: https://t.me/EcoFantom

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/rpQGeNNFDq

Contract: 0xB8a32897016C1B2ee0797090162eAFe58f032795

Website: https://fantom.eco/

