What is BeefChain? Blockchain Verified Beef & Sheep

Blockchain SEO
5 min readFeb 10, 2019

With two recent cryptocurrency and blockchain friendly bills passed in the state of Wyoming in January, 2019 (House Bill 62, House Bill 57), it’s no surprise that the ‘Equality State’ is making an aggressive push to solidify its stronghold at the forefront of blockchain in the United States. Cue BeefChain, a “rancher-centric” supply chain project utilizing blockchain technology to bring value to world-renowned Wyoming beef producers.

Specifically, BeefChain has created a model for Wyoming ranchers to realize value in two important ways:

  • Traceability & Human Handling: brings RFID tags and other IoT device technology to ranchers to ensure traceability and prove human handling of beef and sheep.
  • Rancher to Retail: an end-to-end supply chain solution whereby BeefChain invests in feedlots and processing operations to establish exclusive and long-term relationships with buyers across the world.

By authorizing unique animal identification and livestock origin, BeefChain enables ranchers to receive premium pricing for actual premium beef, and instills consumer confidence in an otherwise opaque and quality-conscious industry.

Let’s take a further look at BeefChain’s background, partnerships, and several issues plaguing today’s beef production and distribution.



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