New paradigm in battling world’s 2nd biggest environmental disaster

Uniting world efforts against plastic pollution

2 min readMay 18, 2018

In the first article we’ve summed up why the BlockClean initiative is necessary and how plastic pollution impacts many of the key fields for survival of human kind: Agriculture, Health, Tourism are among the hardest hit areas.

We all use it. It’s practical, it’s cheap to produce by economic standards, it was once marketed as a wonder. And, it’s deadly.

Plastic is everywhere and although it’s solving many of human kinds problems it’s also creating a whole new battlefield to cope with. Plastic pollution has an impact surpassed only by global warming. And there’s a good reason for it.

Although plastic itself is not toxic the compounds that make plastic product are. They contain a cocktail of toxic chemicals which disrupt important physiological processes of humans and animals.

Plastic product include heavy metals, pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which can disrupt important physiological processes of humans and animals causing for example diseases and problems in reproduction.

Combating the problem is a difficult task as it can be seen that regardless of existing efforts the problem is just getting worse.

BlockClean initiative: new paradigm in battle against plastic pollution

BlockClean is proposing a different approach in which a global initiative is being created. We’re creating a common, measurable goal with immutable KPIs for all participants through 3 categories of plastic pollution combat:


Educational institutions as well as individuals can create awareness workshops based on BlockClean, community managed, syllabus on the issue of plastic pollution.


BlockClean online shop connects artists, volunteers, groups or individuals who create products from waste plastic with “green” customers.


BlockClean partnered waste management / recycling centers collect plastics from Blockcleaners and officially confirm amount and type of waste plastic delivered by BlockCleaners.

In this way BlockClean is creating an ecosystem, a global registry of efforts against plastic pollution which gives plastic pollution stakeholders a common entry point in the fight against plastic pollution.

In next article we’ll see specifics on how BlockClean is achieving revolution in combat against plastic pollution.

