Our Vision for the Canadian Dollar

1 min readApr 20, 2018


We believe people and businesses should be able to send and receive Canadian Dollars in seconds for less than a penny.

Our mission is to help Canadians and business access a decentralized payments network where they can transact and trade peer-to-peer seamlessly.

Regardless of your payment method of choice, moving money in Canada comes with significant friction for the sender, the receiver, or both.

Here are the most used payment methods as well as their constraints (*based on a $35 transaction) compared to our platform:

Not only is moving CAD on Stellar significantly more efficient for both the sender and receiver, but it is also more versatile.

Owners of CAD on Stellar will also be able to broadcast an offer for trading CAD for any other digital asset on the Stellar network. The user does not need to trust or deposit their funds with a centralized exchange in order to trade. They can simply broadcast an offer across the network and trade peer-to-peer since the Stellar network has a built-in decentralized exchange.

We believe in a future where money can be moved seamlessly and traded for any digital asset across an open network.

