Stellar’s Greatest Feature

1 min readApr 26, 2018


Most cryptocurrencies work in a very similar way.

Users have a public address, a private key, and can send and receive cryptocurrency to and from addresses on the same network. Some of them allow you to launch a token on top of the network and use the underlying cryptocurrency as the fuel for sending transactions.

What separates Stellar from the rest, aside from its significantly faster and cheaper transactions, is what we believe is its greatest feature:

Decentralized Trading.

On Stellar, users do not have to trust an exchange with access to their private keys in order to trade. Users can broadcast their offer to the network, which anyone can accept directly from their device. True peer-to-peer trading.

Exchanges that store users private keys on their servers — a single point of failure — have and will continue to be a target of hacks. These hacks have resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars worth of funds stolen from users.

The applications we are building will give you access to this decentralized exchange, allowing you to take back control over your funds and trade directly from your own wallet.

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