Block Producers You Should Consider When Voting

2 min readJun 17, 2018


(Credits: GBK Design,


Over the past few months we have been working together with a lot of block producers to launch the EOS blockchain. We are very happy with how things turned out and look forward to working together with all block producers in the future.

We have now put together a list of 30 block producers, which deserve your vote. These block producers have shown to be technically competent, excellent at working together, professional and trustworthy. All of these block producers have been active in the community and have added a lot of value to the EOS ecosystem.

This list is based on our own experience with various block producers over the past few months, there are a lot of other great block producers out there that have not been included in our list. Please do your own research before voting.

We have also included ourselves, Blockgenic, in the list, as we believe we are a good block producer. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else?

Our recommended block producers*

*We have decided to take a 2nd look at our list, as our previous list did not include some block producers that deserve to be included.

The list is presented in alphabetical order.
Block producer name: Block producer account name

  • Bitspace: bitspacenode
  • Blockgenic: blockgenicbp
  • Crypto Lions: cryptolions1
  • EOS 42: eos42freedom
  • EOS Amsterdam: eosamsterdam
  • EOS Argentina: argentinaeos
  • EOS Asia: eosasia11111
  • EOS Authority: eosauthority
  • EOS Cafe: eoscafeblock
  • EOS Canada: eoscanadacom
  • EOS Cannon: eoscannonchn
  • EOS Detroit: eosiodetroit
  • EOS Dublin: eosdublinwow
  • EOS Gravity: eosisgravity
  • EOS Nairobi: eosnairobike
  • EOS New York: eosnewyorkio
  • EOS REAL: eosrealbpcsg
  • EOS Rio: eosriobrazil
  • EOS Seoul: eoseouldotio
  • EOS Store: eosstorebest
  • EOS sw/eden: eosswedenorg
  • EOS Tribe: eostribeprod
  • EOS UK: eosukblocpro
  • EOS Union: eosunion1111
  • EOS Vibes: eosvibesbloc
  • EOS WTZ: eoswtzeoswtz
  • EOSLaoMao: eoslaomaocom
  • eosONO: eosonoeosono
  • EOSphere: eosphereiobp
  • EOSYS: eosyskoreabp
  • Greymass: teamgreymass
  • LibertyBlock: libertyblock
  • Oraclechain: oraclegogogo
  • shEOS: sheos21sheos

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We are a firm focused on Enterprise adoption of blockchain technology. EOS Block Producer name: ‘blockgenicbp’.