& Inclusivity Partner Together To Help Facilitate Blockchain Education In Third World Countries.

3 min readApr 12, 2018


Favelas — Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

So the big words here are education and opportunity, a revolutionary recruitment platform and Inclusivity a revolutionary banking ecosystem have teamed up to disrupt the education industry.


There are multiple problems for third world countries when it comes to education, jobs and global payment solutions.

These two companies believe they have what it takes to change that.

Inclusivity is a banking ecosystem that uses different technologies such as Blockchain and Mobile money to offer financial, banking, insurance, identification and registries to the unbanked, the underserved, the excluded, people with no identification, SME, etc. Moreover, Inclusivity has a financial Marketplace that gives access to the new types of finance, from crowdfunding to small ICOs, and even P2P services, a bridge that joins international markets. is solving the problem associated with new talent needed for the blockchain industry sector.

They have created a working platform that allows candidates and employers to interact with one another in real time and conduct video interviews, to make the employment process easier than ever regardless of geographical location.

Candidates can upload their resume free of charge and start applying for jobs immediately, chat with employers via a built in decentralised messaging system in real time, send files, audio calls, video calls, set up video interviews and video tutoring.

So here is what Mr Funsho Ajibade, one of the Co Founders of had to say:

“We have a vision where we see a world that implements blockchain technology to most industry sectors and there will be a need for blockchain education, new talent and a platform to facilitate this to fill the current void, so we have created to make that happen.

Third world countries in particular can seriously benefit from having easier access to courses in the blockchain sector, Inclusivity can easily facilitate that with tools and access to services, this in turn will create new opportunities for these individuals that will then lead to an increase in candidates with the correct skill set for jobs that are being posted and one thing we know for certain is that the recruitment industry has seen a gargantuan boom in blockchain related jobs being posted worldwide with a lack off talented candidates to facilitate them and it is only going to increase but we can help with that by changing the world one job at a time. ” website snapshot

The founder of Inclusivity Mr Antonio Sainz said:

“INCLUSIVITY doesn’t believe in aid, on the contrary it gives people at the Bottom of the Pyramid the necessary tools and access to the most basic and essential services in order for them to grow, develop and have other opportunities.

In the majority of the countries INCLUSIVITY targets, their people have no options. INCLUSIVITY, thanks to new technologies such as blockchain, mobile money, AI, machine learning, biometry, etc. opens the door to a new world of opportunities.

However, the base of this project is not technology but people and the key of success for a more equal, sustainable and respectful world is always education.”

Inclusivity website snapshot

It would seem that this is a match made in heaven and there are exciting times to look forward to for these two companies, especially as they have secured an agreement with the government of the state of Rio de Janeiro! & Inclusivity Partnership

If you wish to contact either of these companies you can visit their websites or email the following addresses.








Blockinjobs is solving the problem associated with new talent needed for the blockchain industry sector. “Blockchain Jobs for Blockchain People”